I can barely scrape together an hour or two in an evening to write, with my hectic life. I am finding it SO frustrating as my work is piecemeal. Snippets here and there, and I fear they don't gel together nicely. Any tips? Anyone else have this problem?
I had this problem for many years, the product of having a demanding job and raising two children with developmental disabilities. As stress levels rose, I found I took comfort in whatever time I had to write and I eschewed any arbitrary word goal. If I wrote 2,000 words or 20 words in an evening, I was grateful for being able to do that. And I promised myself that when things slowed down, my writing would pick up. My children are grown, and one is living in a group home. A few years ago I changed jobs, got off the corporate hamster wheel, taking a lower-paying, lesser-stress, more-time-for-me job in which I still have challenges but they are mostly on my terms. And I've kept my promise. Hope you can, too. Meanwhile, enjoy your little girl. They don't stay little for long.