1. Bewitched

    Bewitched Banned

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Pirates of the Lost Treasure

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by Bewitched, Dec 19, 2015.

    Arrre you ready for an adventure you'll never forget?

    Post your templates here after they are approved!
  2. AnonyMouse

    AnonyMouse Contributor Contributor

    Sep 3, 2008
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    Atlanta, GA
    I'm surprised this thread is so quiet. Everyone must be hard at work on their character profiles, like me. ;)
    Bewitched likes this.
  3. Fan7asticMrFox

    Fan7asticMrFox Contributor Contributor

    Apr 16, 2012
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    Hampshire, UK
    I am just awaiting approval for the time being :)
  4. Fan7asticMrFox

    Fan7asticMrFox Contributor Contributor

    Apr 16, 2012
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    Hampshire, UK
    Name: Ace (real name Bosnian Therafold)

    Age: 32

    Gender: Male

    Weapons: Pistol and rapier

    Talents: Luck - luck is a passive talent for Ace, something he doesn't really know about or have control over. He believes it simply to be luck: pulled the right cards when he needed them most, guessed the right direction to run when faced with a quick choice, smuggled contraband on his person and got away with it even when searched. But no, it is not simply luck. He has a sort of connection with the spiritual plain, and usually in those moments of dire struggle or pressure, hidden magic assists him.

    However it can work against him, and in moments of impurity or questionable morals it can provide misfortune. The talent sways between the two, and generally it takes a number of good or evil decisions to give him good or bad luck. Although it does depend on the severity of his decision, almost like karma.

    Appearance: Ace has an alluring appeal that leaves the ladies breathless and wanting more. His brown hair tangles across his face while the back is tied into a short ponytail and his heavy five o'clock shadow only adds to his deep and mysterious persona, though these days there are a few grey stubbles here and there. On the side of his neck there is a burn mark seemingly made from the barrel of a pistol.

    In his youth he was a lot trimmer and age seems to be slowly creeping up on him, yet his body is still very athletic with a light smattering of chest hair revealed at the open collar of his dirty blue shirt. He has leather strappings over the shirt and a belt to hold equipment and his rapier and pistol, and over the top of all this he has a musty brown long coat with faded buckles and worn down coat tails, speckled with light brown mud from his many travels. Held within the lapel of his coat, close to where his heart would be and on show for the world to see, is a dirty playing card - the Ace of Hearts.

    Personality: Ace is the kind of quick witted fellow that is always trying to push his luck, take a risk and in the end, hope to make it out with a good story or two. And maybe even some treasure.

    He will always say that he's only interested in himself and is looking out for número uno, but deep down he's a good man. However he dances a fine line between the two, and has regrets in his life because of this. He'd happily steal from right under your nose, but only if he thinks you deserve it. And by the cut of his jib he has a refined style and quality hidden underneath that separates him from the common thief or scoundrel.

    Ace will run when he can and sometimes his sly and slippery demeanour can be mistaken for cowardice, yet those that call him friend know that is not true. Backed into a corner Ace will transform into a feral beast, fighting his way out by any means necessary.

    And Ace is of course, very charismatic. Most times he relies on his best weapon, his mouth (though on the rare occasion it has got him into even more trouble), and usually a dose of flirting or dash of sucking up gets him out of jail or opens new doors.

    Other: Ace may have the look of a standard lovable rogue but he is also very well educated (though he would never tell anyone), which subtly shines through in his style and articulation. With his searches for treasure he has been known to understand the rich history behind each sort after piece, paying attention to and respecting the cultural aspects that surround each treasure.
    Bewitched and AnonyMouse like this.
  5. halisme

    halisme Contributor Contributor

    Mar 18, 2015
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    Name: Lady Asara Verant

    Age: 28

    Gender: Female

    Weapons: Rapier and dagger, Flintlock Rifle

    Talent (if any):

    Appearance: Asara could be described as relatively beautiful, above average but never going to be any artist’s muse. She has dark brown hair that goes down the her shoulders, normally tied in a loose braid that doesn’t require much skill. Her skin would be pale if not for the slight tan she’s picked up. Her bust is small, but her hips have a good shape. Her back has a thin scar that runs from her left shoulder blade round to the rough area where her kidney would be on the same side.

    Personality: Pragmatist. Tendency towards sarcasm. Intense dislike of those she considers incompetent. Unwilling to teach. When relaxed has a tendency to flirt and has a casual attitude towards relationships and sex. Will put her life above any other or group of people.

    Other: Fights very defensively when in melee combat. Is primarily a smuggler.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
    Bewitched likes this.
  6. Bewitched

    Bewitched Banned

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Everyone feel free to put up their first posts!

    Edit: I approved three more Templates, so I'm just waiting for them to post before I post again.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
  7. Fan7asticMrFox

    Fan7asticMrFox Contributor Contributor

    Apr 16, 2012
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    Hampshire, UK
    Went a bit OTT on the first post as per usual haha, but I think it's a good read. I could have gone on for longer, but reined myself in as best I could!
  8. Erik-the-Enchanter!

    Erik-the-Enchanter! Banned Contributor

    Aug 18, 2012
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    LA, California
    Currently Reading::
    Love Poems
    I fixed what ya told me to fix, @Bewitched, but if something is still wrong just tell me and I'll correct it!!! So excited for this story!!! :D

    Name: Elva Silvermoon

    Age: 19

    Gender: Female

    Weapons: A cutlass and a throwing axe.

    Talent: Elva has the Talent of conjuring spirits and getting them to do her bidding. These spirits look like clouds of smoke and can levitate. The spirits can only do small tasks, like knocking over a cup or bringing Elva things, and if you hit them or shoot them they disappear immediately. If they hit someone directly, it only feels like a muffled punch, like a fist wrapped in a blanket; the most physical damage they can do on their own is next to nothing. Elva can only conjure one spirit at a time and as soon as it completes its task, it goes away.

    Appearance: Elva is a slender girl, tall and beanpole thin. She usually wears her floor-length brown hair long and free, with a bright red scarf tied around her forehead. She dresses like a gypsy in a brown vest, a white blouse with loose sleeves, a flowing green skirt, and high-heeled lace-up boots. Her skin is ruddy brown and her eyes are bright green.

    Personality: Elva is clever and cruel. Many people have underestimated her, because of her slight body or her youth, only to die by her blade. She laughs and jokes freely, and is more comfortable around a bunch of rough guys than silly girls. But no matter how comfortable she may act, deep down she thinks everyone has an ulterior motive and she is always ready to fight. It takes a lot for her to trust someone, but when she does decide to do so, she is very loyal.

    Other: Elva is best at fighting with her weapons, but before she ran away her gypsy clan taught her a few tricks, like how to knock someone down or how to twist their arm behind their back and hold them in that position. But when in doubt, she is slippery and fast and can make a quick getaway. She is also a highly skilled thief and taught herself how to do flips and how to balance on narrow beams.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
  9. Lone Vista

    Lone Vista Active Member

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Name: Alistair "Red Eye" Hawking

    Age: 29

    Pronouns: he/him/his

    Weapons: Large and ornate cutlass carried in a scabbard on his back, a pistol worn at the hip, and small gunpowder explosives. (He only ever carries one, or rarely two, at a time on his person.)

    Talent: Red Eye can freeze anything, so long as one of his hands makes physical contact. The initial freeze is strong but limited in range, though he can make the effect spread with prolonged exposure. For example, he can freeze a wine bottle solid just by brushing it with a finger, but if he were to touch a pond, only the area immediately around his hand(s) would freeze, with more ice spreading out the longer he was in contact.

    On humans, a touch will cause frostbite but rarely any permanent damage. If a hand is struck, the shock of the cold might cause it to lose feeling and drop what it is holding, or become briefly unable to move. He can kill with this power through sustained use of it on a vital place, like the heart or the brain.

    His talent is focused from his hands only, he cannot freeze with any other part. It requires his will to activate, but his hands are always a little cold to the touch. For this reason he often wears gloves.

    Appearance: A tall, somewhat pale man with gaunt features and sunken eyes. Almost always seen with a smile on his face; often one of confidence, but just as frequently it carries an edge of wild malice. His hair, a premature silver, is short in front and tied in a 6 inch braid in back. Usually dresses in a finely made, blue long coat trimmed with gold. His fingers are adorned with many rings set with exotic precious stones. Similar finery hangs from his ears. The most impressive jewel in his collection is something special: A singular ruby in the place of his right eye, from which his title is derived.

    When in need of keeping a low profile, Red Eye will slip on padded gloves and cover his ruby with an eye patch. Even when in disguise, he tends to dress exclusively in quality clothing.

    Personality: Reckless and wild, a thrill seeker with an insatiable appetite for adventure and new experience. His nature is fickle and dangerous. So long as something, or someone, makes themselves interesting, he remains amiable. Should he lose interest, however...he may simply decide to make do with the final thrill of destroying them himself.

    His heart is cold, and he cannot form lasting attachments to anyone or anything beyond their immediate use as a tool or a distraction.

    Other: Infamous for grand adventures, Red Eye will attempt schemes no sane captain would. He is not always successful, often escaping only with his life and the sword on his back, but the stories told of him are never boring.

    His tastes and knowledge lean towards the aristocratic, implying he once belonged to a family of means.
  10. halisme

    halisme Contributor Contributor

    Mar 18, 2015
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    There you go Bewitched, I think I started off the chaos rather well.
  11. Bewitched

    Bewitched Banned

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Good job, @halisme, hee hee. I'll post soon.

    @Lone Vista, you have three weapons and a Talent. Get rid of a weapon or your Talent.
  12. Lone Vista

    Lone Vista Active Member

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Ahhh my bad, didn't realise that was how it worked. I'll drop the bombs.
  13. Bewitched

    Bewitched Banned

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Okay, now put up your post already so I can post, lol. :p
  14. Lone Vista

    Lone Vista Active Member

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Writing it now! :p
  15. Lone Vista

    Lone Vista Active Member

    Dec 21, 2015
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    @Bewitched Right, it's up!
  16. Fan7asticMrFox

    Fan7asticMrFox Contributor Contributor

    Apr 16, 2012
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    Hampshire, UK
    Very good first post Lone Vista, I enjoyed that!
  17. Lone Vista

    Lone Vista Active Member

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Ah, thank you! I'm new to the world of online roleplay, so I'm glad I'm doing alright.

    Also, I'm really enjoying what you're doing with Ace. :)
    Fan7asticMrFox likes this.
  18. AnonyMouse

    AnonyMouse Contributor Contributor

    Sep 3, 2008
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    Atlanta, GA
    Name: Lady Cephilia Lovelace
    Age: 29
    Gender: female

    Vigilance, a unique longsword she made herself. In sword form, it is held together by an internal locking mechanism, which can be disengaged using a trigger on the hilt, allowing it to be wielded as a chain whip. The crossguard doubles as a hand crank to reel it back into sword form. The mechanical parts make it rather heavy and cumbersome as a sword, but its blade is dulled, which suits Cephilia’s nonlethal style and allows it to be gripped at half-staff and wielded unorthodoxly, usually as a bludgeoning tool.

    Vengeance, a left-handed leather gauntlet with six wrist-mounted gun barrels hidden up its sleeve, like an oversized revolver. A pressure plate on the knuckles triggers a single shotgun blast when she lands a punch. It is actually a breaching tool, for blasting door locks, but works just as well on people when in a bind. Cephilia sometimes loads it with rock salt for non-lethal strikes, or magnesium powder, which acts as a flashbang for quick escapes.

    The Talent Thief – Cephilia’s right hand is a natural “Talent jammer” rendering a wizard unable to cast while she is touching them. She can reach through magic barriers and even magical artifacts will cease functioning when held. This effect generally lingers about three times as long as contact was made. (So ten seconds of contact disables a talent for about thirty seconds.) The effect lasts significantly shorter when facing more powerful opponents.

    Unfortunately, she has no control over this talent; it is always active. Touching magic that is too far out of her league causes necrosis and internal damage to her right arm, which cannot be healed by supernatural means. She has the scars to show for it and often keeps her right arm clad in armor or wrapped in cloth, to protect herself from dangerous magic. Her talent still works through clothing, but is nowhere near as potent as skin-to-skin contact.

    Cephilia is classically beautiful, with a curvy hourglass figure, piercing icy blue eyes, and a head of big golden-blonde corkscrew curls that spill over her shoulders. She has the look and bearing of a noblewoman and is not afraid to use that to her advantage, but her work often takes place in the shadows, where being seen could spell instant death.

    She favors the color red, particularly dark, blood red, for its intimidation factor and ability to blend into darkness. Her battledress consists of a dark red hooded longcoat, a blouse and corset lined with red chainmail, dark shorts with storage pouches strapped to her thighs, leather boots with a low heel, and an armored skirt of overlapping red leather flaps.

    Her most notorious feature is her right arm, which is always covered. It is often clad in ornately engraved red metal plate from shoulder to fingertip, like a suit of medieval ceremonial armor, which has earned her the nickname “Red Widow.” Even when she is dressed casually, her right arm is usually wrapped in bandages, a long glove, or a half-cloak.

    Cephilia has a strong moral compass and an unwavering sense of justice. Her noble upbringing and extensive schooling has impressed upon her a sense of responsibility for those less fortunate than herself. This noblesse oblige drives nearly everything she does, but has the unfortunate side effect of making her feel as if she can never do enough. She must always fight harder, train harder, be smarter.

    Intelligence and willpower are her greatest assets. Cephilia is generally calm and reserved, the type of person who prefers to wait, watch, and play the long game. She functions best in situations where she has a chance to get the lay of the land and plan her moves. But perceived injustice can spur her into reckless action and she is not easily talked down once she has committed herself to a cause.

    Cephilia is a thief, not a pirate. Her only forays at sea have been as a passenger, not crew. However, she is skilled at infiltration and has successfully planned and carried out dozens of heists. Her targets are always unscrupulous individuals, usually those who use their wealth and power to prey on the weak, and the pilfered goods always find their way into orphanages, churches, schools, and hospitals. Her alter ego, “The Red Widow,” is regarded as a Robin Hood-esque vigilante, who steals from the rich and gives to the poor.​
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
    Lone Vista likes this.
  19. Lone Vista

    Lone Vista Active Member

    Dec 21, 2015
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    After rereading through my most recent post, I realised it might be read as though I am implying Red Eye and Captain Blast set up some sort of plan in advance - I just wanted to clarify that this is not the case. Red Eye is absolutely making things up as he goes along, and has not had any contact with Captain Blast before this.

    At least, not to make a plan. They may have crossed paths at some point in their careers, certainly.
  20. Bewitched

    Bewitched Banned

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Don't worry, I didn't read it that way, I liked the ice words part. That was pretty smart.

    And it took me a good fifteen minutes to read all you guys' posts...I'm sick and I took some cough medicine and it made me dizzy and ya'll wrote sooo muuuch, he he he. But it's okay, I like how much detail was in all your posts.
  21. AnonyMouse

    AnonyMouse Contributor Contributor

    Sep 3, 2008
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    Atlanta, GA
    I'm calling it now: Cephilia and Asara are gonna be BFFs. I can already tell, LOL. :rofl:
    Bewitched likes this.
  22. halisme

    halisme Contributor Contributor

    Mar 18, 2015
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    It's okay, deep down she just want to hold hands and skip through fields of daisies, though she'd probably trip you.
  23. AnonyMouse

    AnonyMouse Contributor Contributor

    Sep 3, 2008
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    Atlanta, GA
    The funny thing is Cephilia is the sort of person who really, really, really doesn't like being disliked. She would move heaven and earth just to get Asara's approval. I see the makings of a sitcom here...
  24. halisme

    halisme Contributor Contributor

    Mar 18, 2015
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    We need some whacky sidekicks, a theme tune, and schemes that will eventually backfire, and provide a moral lesson. With that we'll be all set.
  25. Bewitched

    Bewitched Banned

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Ok, we're in the clear. Now it's time for introductions and getting to know your new captain.

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