Whenever I have the desire to write something, wanting only to create prose rhythm, and not having much more of a reason than that, I struggle to find anything meaningful to record. Not only that, I cannot hold a mental representation that is organized enough to express myself in a form that bears organization. It is as if I do not have a rich enough knowledge of anything that I can say, but a mind that gropes for a combination of phrases, that has in part the impression of an intended rhythm, but not nearly full enough a context to yield a single coherent sentence. What should I do about this because as you can see I am prone to rambling?
You're saying you have vague ideas, but don't know how to make them into a concrete story on paper, or something like that? If that's the case, I'd recommend doing lots of reading. Reading will help you understand different elements of stories and maybe give you ideas as to how to express yourself. Keeping a journal could also help.
My suggestion? Ramble away! Of course, I'm not entirely sure what exactly would best benefit your situation. But from my own past experiences, and from watching others, I've seen that writing out your thoughts - even seemingly pointless ones can help. The way a friend of mine deals with this problem, is that she would write out everything relating to her story/poem idea, even if it sounded stupid, or didn't even make grammatical sense. Afterwards, she would go through her writing, and pick out tidbits of writing that she thinks would work out, and creates her drafts from those. I tend to do something similar, but not as sporadic. Whenever I have an idea, I write it down. Over time, I am able to pick out which ideas I want to use. If the idea doesn't seem to be going anywhere, then I find a new one. Save organization for later. Write your ideas when they appear, then organize them when you're ready.
aaaargh!!! Stop trying to be so goddamn wordy!!! Writing for writing's sake makes my eyes bleed. I hope you can find a story to channel all this over-abundance of purple prose into something vaguely purposeful. What kind of stories do you enjoy reading? That's usually a good place to start.