XF2 Planning the XF2 Upgrade & a New Version of WF

Discussion in 'Support & Feedback' started by Daniel, May 7, 2018.

  1. big soft moose

    big soft moose An Admoostrator Admin Staff Supporter Contributor Community Volunteer

    Aug 1, 2016
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    East devon/somerset border
    This has been happening off and on to a lot of people for a long while ... it seems more prevalent in IE than in chrome/firefox

    its got nothing to do with the volunteer thing - it seems to happen most when clicking from the main page to a specific thread
  2. Daniel

    Daniel I'm sure you've heard the rumors Founder Staff

    May 14, 2006
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    Phoenix, AZ
    @big soft moose if you or anyone else gets this error please try to write down the exact time. Knowing which minute of the hour the error occurred will make it much easier for me to find it in the server logs.
  3. big soft moose

    big soft moose An Admoostrator Admin Staff Supporter Contributor Community Volunteer

    Aug 1, 2016
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    East devon/somerset border
    will do, that most recent one was about 5 minutes before I posted it (the time it took to screenshot it drop it into paint and then reupload)
  4. big soft moose

    big soft moose An Admoostrator Admin Staff Supporter Contributor Community Volunteer

    Aug 1, 2016
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    East devon/somerset border
    just happened again it was 14.15 (British Summer time) and I was in General Writing P2 ... I wasn't actually doing anything, it just popped up, not in response to a click or anything

    ETA and again a 14.23 BST while scrolling through p2 of GW

    ETA 2 and again at 15.06 BST on p3 of Gw

    ETA 3 and again at 15.10 BST on page 1 of GW

    ETA 4 and again at 15.59BST on page 3 of GW
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2018
  5. Daniel

    Daniel I'm sure you've heard the rumors Founder Staff

    May 14, 2006
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    Phoenix, AZ
    Thank you, sir. That should be enough to work with. I’ll be digging into this later this afternoon, I’ll let you know when I think I have it fixed. Looks pretty widespread! :eek:
  6. GlitterRain7

    GlitterRain7 Galaxy Girl Contributor

    Jun 24, 2017
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    Going back to what @jannert said about older systems and software and how it works fine right now, I have to wonder how mobile users will be affected? Going by what I know about technology, I'm going to assume everything will be fine, but is there something in place for them as well, so we can still get on here on our phones and it be fully functional?
  7. big soft moose

    big soft moose An Admoostrator Admin Staff Supporter Contributor Community Volunteer

    Aug 1, 2016
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    East devon/somerset border
    Xen foro generally is good in the browser, I'm writing this on a phone now, there's no reason why xf2 wouldn't be mobile optimised
    GlitterRain7 likes this.
  8. Komposten

    Komposten Insanitary pile of rotten fruit Contributor

    Oct 18, 2012
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    If you go to the "What's new in XenForo 2.0" thread in the official XenForo forums, you'll find "Greatly enhanced mobile-friendly style" as the first thing they mention. So I think we should be covered on that front. :-D

    Also, if you are worried about older phones not being able to use the forums, what I mentioned in my reply to jannert applies on phones just as it does as for computers: as long as the phone browser has support for HTML5, you should be good. As I mentioned, HTML5 is the current standard that is used all over the web, and every single modern browser supports it (and have supported it for many years). Devices that are still using browser versions that are 6+ years old might struggle, but they would also struggle on a majority of the big websites anyway (and in that case you should try updating the browser, and if it isn't possible there isn't much we can do about it).
    Daniel and GlitterRain7 like this.
  9. big soft moose

    big soft moose An Admoostrator Admin Staff Supporter Contributor Community Volunteer

    Aug 1, 2016
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    East devon/somerset border
    Based on the etb work, I'd suggest that in a restructure we need to think about

    A) a section for editing, how to deal with feedback, how to revise work and related questions.... This could be the art of critique board expanded and renamed

    B) a section on the psychology of writing, for all those how do I overcome writers block questions, plus the more philosophical discussions around what creativity looks like

    C) a section on writing action, or the action of scenes, for all those how do I write a battle, fight, car chase, love scene, argument, house move etc

    I also think we could do with restructuring the publishing section, as it's a bit of a mess up there currently. I would say go with two top level forums self publishing and traditional publishing, then have sub forums under self for marketing and business, cover design, and services, and subs under trad for querying, agents, publishers etc... That would need some thought and debate but as it stands it's a bit messy
    Daniel likes this.
  10. big soft moose

    big soft moose An Admoostrator Admin Staff Supporter Contributor Community Volunteer

    Aug 1, 2016
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    East devon/somerset border
    Also we could do with a scripts section in the by writing forum

    He's disappeared again hasn't he ? @Daniel ? yooo hoo anyone home ....
  11. Daniel

    Daniel I'm sure you've heard the rumors Founder Staff

    May 14, 2006
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    Phoenix, AZ
    I’ll do my best to make the new version cross-comparable with devices and with older software. There is going to be a compatibility wall though. When it comes time I’ll need compatibility issues reported with older software as it’s unpractical go test.

    Our-of-the box it’s supposed to be more mobile friendly, and in my opinion if is. I’ll be doing a restyle, however, and will try to adopt a “mobile first” approach.

    Don’t sorry, I’m still here. :p Thanks for checking lol. I’ve been busy working on software feature / data compatibility. Hopefully I will be ready to move to the next stage soon.

    I actually really like the idea of a scripts section in the by writing forum, as I work with a lot of video producers and script writers and have dabbled in the past. I’m sold.
  12. Daniel

    Daniel I'm sure you've heard the rumors Founder Staff

    May 14, 2006
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    Phoenix, AZ
    I don’t anticipate compatibility with your set up being a problem.

    This is something that will likely be required, and I appreciate you saying this. I intend to wait until we are as close as possible. We will need s substantial (but not enormous) amount for purchasing software and custom development of a few key systems.

    This is something I’m not especially proficient st so I’m open to suggestions on how to go s put it once ready. A Kickstarter or Patreon as an alternative to our normal fundraisers had crossed my mind.
    jannert likes this.
  13. jannert

    jannert Retired Mod Supporter Contributor

    Mar 7, 2013
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    It will be a one-off (or a two-off?) donation, won't it? So just create a thread explaining what you need and why, and link it to a donation site? Maybe put it on the sidebar, like the other donations? I'm sure you'll collect what you need fairly quickly.
  14. Linz

    Linz Active Member

    May 29, 2018
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    I've been having a lot of problems on and off for about a week, but today has been particularly bad. It's 18:20 BST now and this is the first time today I've managed to get on the forum.

    The message says that the server is down/unavailable and to try again later.

    I'm not complaining - I'm just wondering if that is part of the upgrade?

    I was about to post a thread when I came across this one.
  15. Komposten

    Komposten Insanitary pile of rotten fruit Contributor

    Oct 18, 2012
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    This is not part of the upgrade, no. XF2.0 is still way in the future -- there are many things to do, consider, wait for, etc.

    I don't have any details regarding the present forum issues yet, but rest assured that @Daniel will find the cause and fix it. :)
  16. Daniel

    Daniel I'm sure you've heard the rumors Founder Staff

    May 14, 2006
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    Phoenix, AZ
    Hey guys, sorry I've been away. I recently made a major life-changing move across the country to Phoenix, Arizona. I spent the last few months prepping, backing, and the past month I've been here looking for houses.

    I'm finally getting back into a groove and am eager to make progress on XF2. Practically speaking XF2 is still a ways away, but I'm eager to make it happen. I really think the upgrade will revitalize the forum, even based on the interface/mobile/speed and smoothness alone.

    Still open to feedback on this upgrade. I will be posting a number of threads over the next two weeks seeking critique on some proposals, sharing more comprehensive plans (steps needed prior to making the upgrade), and sharing a financial requirement overview work-in-progress the community can vet, criticize, and hopefully widdle down to the most important stuff.

    I've opted to take an incremental approach to the upgrade. Rather than do everything I want for "WF 5.0," our approach should be to confirm a minimum viable action plan (prerequisite) before upgrading to out-of-the-box XF 2.x.
  17. Also

    Also Student of Humanity Supporter

    Aug 25, 2021
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    Eastern United States
    Currently Reading::
    A Separation (2017, Katie Kitamura) ; Die Sünderin (1999, Petra Hammesfahr)
    Life happens, and then more life happens, and then if the Spanish Inquisition doesn't come to town, the Rona Plague does.

    Is the migration to XF 2.x still a long-term project, or have extensive customizations or finances or other factors precluded it?
    NWOPD likes this.
  18. big soft moose

    big soft moose An Admoostrator Admin Staff Supporter Contributor Community Volunteer

    Aug 1, 2016
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    East devon/somerset border
    As far as i know its still on but something we're working towards rather than an imminent project... daniel has changed his user name, new name is @NWOPD and we need him for a the full sp

    I'm just doing my best to keep the ship afloat and dodge icebergs, is daniel who both navigates and manages the engine room.

    Incidentally we already did most of the structual changes discussed earlier - since doing that is within my power
  19. NWOPD

    NWOPD Administrator

    Oct 16, 2020
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    Lol thanks for the laugh. It is still happening. I’m slowly implementing the prerequisites needed. There are technical, design, time, and financial challenges but I have an internal roadmap I will be chipping away at as I can. I can’t give precise timeframe, but I expect it to be completed this year.
    Also likes this.

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