You mean put together a list of songs that convey the feeling you're going for? Or do you mean creating tracks based on parts of your novel? I haven't done the former, but the latter sounds like an awesome idea.
Hm, I've never done that, but I have imagined what the film score would sound like for each scene if I were making it. That's always fun.
I do this sometimes. If I'm writing about a really sad mood, I put on slow old songs like The Police. But when it's supposed to be fast paced or angry, screamo works best.
I always picture how the movie will look when I write the book because I am going to be directing the films myself. I have camera angles, film shots, zooms and special effects all in my head while I am writing the story. It's annoyingly automatic. Songs sometimes work their way in, but I usually see the shots as though they were actually happening without songs. Sometimes, if I am watching a tv show or movie and I hear a song that I feel would be great for the movie, I write it down so that I don't forget it. ~Natalie
Actually most of the major scenes for both of my stories that I'm working on come because of daydreaming while listening to certain songs. I find that it's easier to remember everything that i wanted to put in a scene if it has a song to go with it.
The film of what's happening tends to play in my head. Some songs are write are based off certain scenes in the novel, and I can very well imagine and perhaps direct my own novel/story, since it's all going on in my head. I act it out, and while writing when I get too excited I start to sing a relevant set of lyrics (which I write down if I remember to) or jump out of my chair, acting out the scene I have just written about.
Yes, two of them, sorta. They're both still in works for two different story. They're just songs that inspire me while writing the story, or remind me of characters in the story. I makes writing so much easier, and more fun.
My entire 3 part series was based off a daydream to My Chemical Romance - Welcome To The Black Parade And it has changed as i've gone along, and have listened to different music. And in response to the film/scene thing. I find that that happens when i write as well, i see it all as if it were a film playing out in my head, which is quite annoying, as it means i often miss out ore descriptive bits and just do lots of in a film. ;@
Oh, definitely. Virtually everything I do is inspired by music in some way. For my current project, I listen to a lot of Metallica (the story really doesn't match the tone of Metallica... and yet this band helps inspire me... weird) as well as a handful of artists that perhaps a dozen people in the world have ever heard of. I'm a massive fan of Neil Zaza, too. No vocals required; he's an amazing musician. Of course, I'm a guitarist myself, so I like experimenting with different sounds and coming up with themes for my characters and such. It's difficult, since I'm still a beginner to making my own music, but it's fun. Plus it helps me focus a little more on just what kind of people my characters are, so it's more than just entertainment... kind of.
I find The Fray and Goo Goo Dolls to be good for writing as well. Or maybe it's just because i often listened to that when writing so now hearing it triggers an automatic reaction to think of writing.
Listens to Rhapsody I havent actually made a cd but when I sit down to write I select songs that I love to get me in the mood to write. I love listening to well written songs that make me think "I could have written that...I think". It is definately helpful and a good idea. Lindsay
Well, sometimes I write a story based off of a song (one of my favorites was written because of a song we did in percussion ensemble). And I like to pick out soundtracks for the books I'm reading- Pirates of the Caribbean works for essentially any action book climax, and makes even the most purple prose exciting. And sometimes I'll imagine movie trailers for my stories, in which case I simply have to have totally awesome music- maybe Randy Newman's Short People for a funny/realistic story, or Black Betty for an exciting adventure story. (Nothing cooler than a door being kicked down in time to a pounding bass drum.) So yeah, I'd definitely say music has an effect on how I picture my stories, and vice versa.
I'm constantly on youtube replaying songs that I think help me get into a certain mood - I love listening to soundtrack scores. I would download them all if i could but stoopid itunes hardly has anything decent e.g. I was looking for both Requiem for a dream (300 movie) and josh grobans Your the Only Place I think music is very helpful to help you tap into your emotions
Well usually I listen to music when I write, and sometimes my writing turns out to be similar to the particular song I was listening's kind of funny, actually.
When I listen to some songs on my MP3 player, I think about what a music video of my book would be like for that song.
Yes, I have a playlist just for writing. I have this obsession with music, you see, so I listen to it all the time anyways. I kind of end up writing about what one of my playlist's songs are. It's weird but cool.
i do! my entire stories plot is made of the images that swirl around in my head while i listen to the songs. its sorta like making an amv for the song but instead of picking a show to go with it your making the show to go with it. nickleback, casting crowns, and linkin park for me
Oh you have to have a little bit of Nickelback in there! "Side of a Bullet" is the best track for fight scenes with emotion, but try their earlier stuff like albums Curb and The State for some mellower tracks with real stories behind the lyrics. =)