My friend is writing a play, and he was just wanting to know. When writing his scene, he wrote a whole page dedicated to it as he read in the Caretaker by Harold Pinter, and believed if he was allowed to do it. He should as well, but is it allowed? I'm sorry, I'm not being much help around this forum, but I also want to know is this the right place to put this topic? Sorry if it isn't.
You mean a page describing the scene, setting, stage descriptions, all that? One page isn't too bad, there are many playwrights who write quite extensive and precise scene descriptions and stage directions, so if it's necessary for the play, there really isn't any problem. If a director disagrees they'll just do what they want anyway, and since the market for plays isn't generally as standardised as the market for film scripts or novels, there aren't really as many specific guidelines regarding things like that.