One of our lovely forum members has self-exiled herself from the forums thinking that she has done something wrong due to a subject put up in the Chatbox fred quickly became somewhat of a flame thread, pretty much because of me. Eoz has been under-appreciated by the members of the forums. She is clearly one of the most talented writers here, is extremely intelligent, smart and best of all, gets my humor. To get Eoz to come back i am creating a Poll to show her she is an appreciated member of this forum community and is missed.
If she's your friend she should stay gone. We've had enough bad blood here. I have an idia why don't you go and we can be happy. Lets all jhave a poll on should jetblack stay gone
There's no real need for that, Panther. And JetBlack, this is terribly sweet, but Eoz will come back when she's ready. No one has any problem with her, and we'll welcome her back whenever she wants to return.
Another flame war starting? Alright, while I agree that Panther should not have said that, it is not doing any good to retaliate. From what I've read of your posts Jet, you seem to have been doing some online gaming, and quite possibly related forums. This site is much different from all of that. You'll have to be more sensitive, dare say I.... and no, I'm not referring to your mouse. Though I'm not particularly a believer either, things like making fun of religions isn't going to be taken as lightly here. We're trying to be a respectful community, so either shape up or ship out. There was no hostility in that post, and I expect you not to bring any in your responses.
Good call Adamant! I shan't get short sighted to others indisgressions. Definitely not in this thread, anyways. For this thread is for the great Eoz Eanj!
Fair point. But this guy has done nothing but cause trouble since his arrival. And anyone associated with him could carry his bad taint. Eoz my apologises. Since members have faith in you by all means return.
Jetblack Thankyou for the thread, it's psychotically nice of you and thankyou everyone else for the support. And if it isn't already apparent, I'm back, reconciliation has appeared to have been reached between myself and a select few thus .. Everything is fine .. So I'm back to work as a reviewer, which I look forward to as the forum has appeared to have received an influx of new members.
I personally am glad you've decided to return. I didn't see any reason for you to go in the first place, but that's your call. Glad to have you back.
A Lot. And then again.... even more since I disapeared for four days... see HUll, you cannot leave us again!