I have a great idea for a book (I know everybody must say that ). Anyway, when writing a book can you mention websites? Obviously, it's in a nice & complimentary way, but I will need to mention a couple of websites on a few occasions. Do I need to get permission? Thanks. Ness1e
I'm not a hundred percent on this, but I am fairly certain you don't. What websites, and are they used extensively? I mean if it's like a novel and you jsut said 'Then he went on Amazon.com and ordered a spoon' I'm pretty sure you dont need permission for that. I could however be completely wrong lol.
Websites and film titles and such like are a difficult one. It's like slang in a book, unless the boo is going to be the next shakespear then putting slag in it will make it difficult for future readers. Imagine in 20 years there is no amizon.com but your book is still a best seller. When readers see that sentece they are going to go: WTH?? Esoecially younger readers. See what i mean?
Thanks The websites are www.fish4.co.uk, Facebook & Ebay. Without giving too much away just yet its a blog/diary type book so they may be mentioned a few times. But, the book won't be funny unless these are included. And, I doubt the book will still be a best seller in 20 years, but I know what you mean. Perhaps, I should contact them to pay me for the advertising Appreciate all your help. Ness1e
Thanks I will contact websites and ask permission and post what happened. And, sorry for the smilies. Ness1e
Sorry, didn't mean it that way..... I was just saying that she could use a different smiley than a , anyway, doesn't matter.
I don't really know the answer to this question, ness1e. Personally, when I'm writing, I try to steer clear of things like brand names and such. For example, I make my characters drink a soda instead of a coke, and they visit the local shopping center or super market, instead of Wal-Mart. If that sounds wrong than I just invent a name for a place or product that doesn't really exist. Is there any way you could invent substitute names for your websites and describe them in such a way that they call up the image of what you have in mind, without being specific?
there's no need to ask for permission... titles and names of public entities can be used freely... the only thing you need to watch out for is dissing them, so they could sue you... for the official rules 'n regs on trademark registered names, go here: www.uspto.gov and here, for copyright laws: www.copyright.gov