[Link Removed] ~Raven. My friends and I made this. Please tell me what you think. I'm sure you'll enjoy it as well. I hope. Sorry if I am not suppose to post something like this.
Not bad. You guys synched the videos to the music fairly well. But was it fun making it? AMVs can be a lot of fun to make, or a headache when your editing suite sucks ass.
Of course it was fun to make. We were all laughing when we were trying to actually edit it. Because we had to watch the video over and over again because we had to make sure the music was in the right place. When it was in the right place we were all so happy and we were like yes. Sometimes we just laughed because we thought it was funny. Thanks for the reply Valiance. I appreciate it.
No problem Leaka. I know what ya mean by watching it over and over. By the time you're done with it, you've memorized every second of it. haha
What made it funny was that it had gotten slow. Like you just watch a girl get slapped and then all the sudden that just comes up. My father says: it was like a wake up call. I didn't like the Rapheal ending though.
It was funny. It reminded me of this halo video (hmv hell): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkDEMrqYM0g
Thank you. I have seen that HMV before. That is what kind of made my friends and I want to a create a video like that.
As a rule we don't usually allow links to youtube. And thus I have to remove the link. And since this thread is on the theme of that Link I'm going to lock up. *Click* ~Raven. Senior Super Moderator.