I love it when poo water leaks from the ceiling. Only it's not poo water, since it smells like root beer. Every time. I love even more the fact that new building management takes months to get things done. 4 months is what it took for them to turn off a light that was stuck on in my bathroom. That's 2 - 3 light bulbs oh-so-perfectly wasted. They fail with such efficiency at even the simplest of tasks (aka - emptying lobby garbage cans), and then have the nerve to scold the tenants for cluttering the "Share Table," remove said table, and announce plans to install cameras and a punishment system based on fines and violations for all future instances of tenant clutter. "Oblivion is a good game!" the manager says walking out, after reassuring me that a plumber will be by tomorrow to fix the problem. Mister Plumber turns out to be invisible. The building manager's assistant justifies the problems by saying "hey - cheap rent, dontcha know?" Rent is $610 a month for my studio. Not so cheap in my book. Anyone else have fun building management/apartment/dorm stories they'd like to share?
Ugh! water from the ceiling is disgusting. You have my deepest sympathy.I once stayed in place for a month where when you flush, the stuff comes out instead of going away. It was one whole week before they even paid attention to my complaint. Strangest was when I was staying on the ground floor in my college hostel. The watchman would go away for hours leaving the gate wide open. There were grazing grounds behind where the locals left their cows.One morning, returning from the common bathroom, I was horrified to see a cow in my room, and a heap of dung on the floor. To make matters worse, my shouts scared the cow and she charged at me. I ran screaming and the entire hostel came out to howl with laughter . It was probably funny but it didn't seem so then.
If sanitary sewer is coming into your unit, this can become a serious health issue. If you landlord is not doing anything to fix the problem, call your local health department. They should be able to test for e-coli, if it's sanitary sewer, or chlorine if it is city water. Sandy
That sounds terrible absis. I'd certainly jump up and down about it that is for sure. Your landlord sounds like a right twat and it doesn't matter what you pay in rent, they are supposed to maintain the premises. Landlords infuriate me. I have actually had bad leak problems in a house I lived in years ago now. It was in the bathroom. We had a fully tiled floor and two steps leading down into the bathroom with a nasty leak right above the steps. The landlords wouldn't fix the problem at all. I slipped there once when I was pregnant with my son and almost smashed my spine on the metal stripping at the top of the stairs. I didn't use the bathroom after that. I'd go to my parents to shower.
I hate it when you flush a loo, and a heap of water sprays out from the base and wets your feet...now that is foul and has happen to me a few times in different places. landlords are lazy, we lived in a house a while back and in summer the place would get to 45 degrees celcius, and the windows were jammed shut and the aircon chewed up so much power, when we asked the real estate what could be done, they rang us back and said that the landlord had gotten really huffy about it and said.."why do they need to open the windows?cant they just make do with them closed?"...erm....another one of our landlords on a farm house we used to rent left a dead bloated cow outside of our house for weeks, she stewed in the sun until she popped and we had to put up with the smell until he finally hooked her up to the ute and dragged her away.....that was gross