PLOT: In the year 2050, a scientist discovered time travel. One could say he barely scratched the surface, although the consequences were deadly. The machine malfunctioned, and the Space-Time Continuum was ripped. Every world, dimension, even universe got mixed up. And now, we all face the consequences. Members will be able to create a character, however they like, whoever they like, however they like. If they so wish, they can even use a character from their book(s)! Your character will find themselves asleep in a strange cell, from which they must escape. Apparently, there are stored all the "dead" bodies of people teleported from other dimensions... But are they really dead? They will have to cooperate with others to escape this area, and then see what they do in this world (it is bigger than earth because of the series of unnatural events) From thereon the plot will be created by the players. SETTING: It will be set in the year 2050, but filled with elements from other dimensions. Like, if you visited New York you might see some Neanderthals chilling with some Ninja Space Pirates in a 80's bar. It is a distorted world. RULES: 1. No controlling other people's character(s) without their permission. 2. No killing off characters without the person's permission AND GM's. 3. All CWF Rules. 4. No Godmodding. 5. Posts should be aimed to all be over two sentences long. 6. GM's Word is Law and he can disregard his own rules. 7. An insult to a fellow writer (not his character, the actual user), or any sort of discrimination WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Character Form: Name: Age: Species: World(fantasy, sci-fi): Bio: Anything else?:
Taliza A low rumble, from a deep groan, sent vibrations through the ground. A purple scaled dragoness shifted her body and opened her eyes. Taliza tried to make sense of her surroundings. Finally her eyes gathered enough light to see the shadow of a torch on the wall. She blew a stream of flame towards it and the room lit up. She blinked in the sudden light. Where am I? This is not my home. I do not smell the trees of my forest, only... Another growl was emmanatted from deep within her throat, as she discerned what the smell was. Human fleash. Looking around she noticed she was in some sort of large cell with humans and other creatures scattered around beside her. None of them appeared to be awake. And many smelled of death and decay. Taliza sent out her thoughts to every mind still alive within the cell, "Humans, non-humans! The time for slumber is over. Tell me what I'm doing here."
One man walked past the cage. He stopped and turned, and saw Taliza. "Ah, a she-dragon..." he muttered, as he peered through the cell's bar€s. "Interesting... Tell me, dragoness, from where do you come?"
Taliza "Ah, a she-dragon..." he muttered, as he peered through the cell's bar€s. "Interesting... Tell me, dragoness, from where do you come?" A strange male-human addressed her. She didn't like his scent. Why should I answer you when I'm in a cage like a beast. Prove you are a friend by releasing me and I will answer your question. She replied into his mind. An angry tone could easily be heard in the thoughts.
"Ah, where are my mannees! Of course I shall open the cage." he said, fumbling around in his long white lab coat's pocket. He withdrew a small silver key and opened the door. He slowly walked in, and sat himself near her. He took a gun out of his pocket and slid it towards the dragoness. "There, I am unarmed. May we speak?"
Taliza Taliza shifted, tucking her purple wings closer to her body. She relaxed slightly, at the human's non-threatening manner but the aroma of the decay and the sight of the unconcious bodies around her kept her on the alert. "Very well. My name in human-speak is Taliza. I live in a land named by the humans, Galdoria. This place is obviously not my home. Has the Orb done this? Pulled me from my home yet again?"
"Myself, I am named Hector. I know not of any orb, but what has happened around us" he waved his hand around the room "was all the doctors fault." He paused for a second. "My friend Dr. Gless managed to travel in time. Unfortunately, the machine was the sjze of a wristwatch and all of space and time could not be contained in it. It would appear many different worlds and times have merged together. But this place... Well, it's a mortuary. All beings in thus cell have been dead for days. And yet my antibiotixs worked... You are alive!"
Taliza "That would explain the smell of death, but travel through time, machines, the merging of my world into another? I do not understand." Taliza released a puff of smoke through her nostrils in a dragon-like sigh. "Human creations never made sense to me, then again...I am not human. This merging, I assume it is not a good thing? Is there a way for me to return home?"
Jefferson Rose His eyes flickered open as he heard a faint voice echoing through his skull. "Human creations never made sense to me, then again...I am not human. This merging, I assume it is not a good thing? Is there a way for me to return home?" Jefferson looked around. He was in a cage, it was dank and musty, and everything smelled like decay. Across the hall from him was another cage... with a dragon in it. "Oh hell no... I'm in hell." He said to himself, the slowly moved his hand to one of the bars of the cage. There was a flash of light and the bar was gone, replaced by a sword. There was a man with a lab coat sitting near the dragon. "So, this is hell right? Is that the devil?" He asked, pointing to the dragon. If this was hell, they'd picked a good spot to torment him, he hated reptiles of any kind.
Taliza "So, this is hell right? Is that the devil?" A man in strange looking clothes and a sword said, from a nearby cage. "I do not believe human hell and dragon hell are the same thing. Aside from that, I am very sure we are both still alive."
"Yes... You are alive." he muttered, and drew a syringe from his pocket. He removed on of his gloves, and examined his hand, which was shrivelled and had two fingers missing. He winced as he planted the syringe and inserted the liquid. "Sorry about that. So, what do we do now?"
Midnight Midnight awoke to a slight headache and the screaming sensation of a huge amount of dead bodies and decay close by. She slowly opened her eyes and spotted the piles of dead. Not again! Was the first thought to cross her mind. The second was echoed through every mind still working within a miles radius. Where the hell am I?! She got up and started pacing the small cage. She couldn't see anyone else alive and well but there were thoughts coming from further ahead. A growl was building in her throat and her yellow eyes flashed dangerously. She hated being imprisoned.
Midnight He opened it and let her out. "And you, who are you?" My name is Midnight. Now please answer my question. She carefully stepped away from the man. Her eyes were taking in every detail of him in case of battle. Oh, you can add your name to that answer.
"My name is Hector. You are in a mortuary, this is where they contain the bodies of the dead who were transported to this world."
Midnight "My name is Hector. You are in a mortuary, this is where they contain the bodies of the dead who were transported to this world." Midnight tilted her head. I'm not dead. She was more controlled now and made sure to only send her thought to Hector. The last part of his sentence caught her attention. what do you mean by 'transported to this world'?
Jefferson "Theoretically one could call this hell..." he said, turning to the man. "May we learn your name?" So... he wasn't dead, exactly... so to speak. "I'm Jefferson..." He said, then touched a hand to the door frame and it instantly turned into metal grating on the floor, which he proceeded to walk over, out into the main hall. "Jefferson Rose at your service." He made a flourish. "Do we need to kill that dragon? Isn't that the usual goal of stories that start this way, to kill dragons?" He felt like every time he'd read a story that started with waking up in a prison, there was a dragon involved that needed to be killed.
"No!" he turned back to Midnight "Well, I don't quite understand it myself. I believe each of us are from a different world."
Jefferson "Are you sure?" He asked Hector. "So we're all from different worlds? Dandy. How do I get back to my world?" He was seriously pondering why he felt like so many stories started off in prisons...
Midnight "No!" he turned back to Midnight "Well, I don't quite understand it myself. I believe each of us are from a different world." Midnight shrank away from his sudden yell and growled a warning at him. She didn't stay angry for long though, since she was curious to what he had to say. A scent passed her nose and she immediately tensed. Her eyes was frozen at a point ahead and her growl grew in her throat. There was a strong smell of dragon. For your sake I really hope that dragon is dead. She thought to Hector. There are few peaceful dragons like Skyfire. She measured the new man that could melt metal. There were so many people here. Midnight Slowly started backing away from the crowd. There might be just three people there, but Midnight was used to her lonely life in the woods. The big dragon shifted and Midnight's head snapped back towards it. Her whole body was tense, the hair on her back standing on edge. So many. Why is there so many in a place that is death. Do you not speak true, human?
"I'm afraid I do. Well, we must get on. They'll be coming here soon." that said, he reached into his pocket and extracted a small gun. "Ready?"
Midnight When he extracted the gun Midnight went quiet. Her backing away had led her to a dead end. Now she wasn't just angry and confused, she was cornered too. That was a very bad combination. Midnight was likely to kill anyone getting too close. Move that gun and you're dead. She threatened. Her eyes burning with violence. She may be intelligent but her wolf side was screaming at her to attack. It took a lot of focus just to remain still.
Taliza Stretching her wings, Taliza got to her feet. Her body took up much of the cell. The door would be barely large enough for her to fit through. "Do we need to kill that dragon? Isn't that the usual goal of stories that start this way, to kill dragons?" Jefferson asked, staring at her. Taliza let out an annoyed puff of smoke. "I am not a man-eating dragon. My people took care of those types of dragons long ago." She lowered her head looking the frightened human in the eyes. "I am no danger to you unless you threatening me or an innocent." She stepped out of the cell, taking care not to hit anyone with her long tail. Well, we must get on. They'll be coming here soon." that said, he reached into his pocket and extracted a small gun. "Ready?" "Who?" Taliza asked.