Hi, If I'd like to support the site financially but don't have PayPal and don't want to set it up, can I mail $10 or something to the site owner and do it that way? (Mod responses only please) Thanks!
That'd be something to bring up with Daniel really. If you'd like I can try contacting him with the question through other channels? Is there a particular reason you don't want to set up a PayPal?
i don't blame her, banz... i never use it, either... i don't completely trust it... too many horror stories and warnings abound... so i only use credit cards for moving money online...
I don't like using PayPal either. Here's one experience I've been through last year. I was a memeber of this website called "Xat," a chat room website, and you could buy powers to 'spice' your chat up. We were required to purchase xat coins via PayPal, but PayPal locked my account, and the owners of Xat assumed that I was trying to steal services from them. PayPal finally refunded my money the next week after I purchased the xat coins. This is why I don't like using PayPal, because it locks my account without any reason, and I get blamed for "stealing" services from websites. This also explains why my $200 dollar supply of powers were taken away from me.
If you're really interested in supporter membership and don't want to use paypal, mail is an option, just PM me. However, Paypal is the most well known online payment processor. While there might be some "horror stories," they are quite rare. I suspect if you choose you use paypal it'll be a smooth and relatively painless process.