I was told there are two errors in my reference, but the individual refused to elaborate. They were quite public about it and they are expected to maintain honesty, so I'm researching the claim. This is supposed to be in APA format Arora, N. K. (2008). Social Support in Health Communication. The International Encyclopedia of Communication. doi:10.1002/9781405186407.wbiecs071
I'm not sure what the numbers at the end are - obviously a link of some sort, but I'm used to seeing an actual web address, not this shortened version. So that might be one problem. Another might be the lack of italics? Usually the publication name is italicized.
The "doi:" is listed in the APA book. Although a web address is listed, there are several formats allowed. According to the examples. One of them could be the italicized. Thank you. Anyone else?
But it's still https://doi..., isn't it? You still put the https in there? (It looks like the non-https version isn't wrong, but isn't preferred, based on http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/digital-object-identifier-doi/)
Use EasyBib. It will take out the guesswork. And I think it's pretty much what everyone uses these days.
As it turns out, there was no "(ed)" listed. How would I list the "Ed" if none are listed? Because no one seems to know, I'm guessing this is right. Arora, N. K. (2008). Social Support in Health Communication. In Arora, N.K. The International Encyclopedia of Communication. doi:10.1002/9781405186407.wbiecs071