Continuing a discussion which was off-topic in the General Writing forum. Sweden. (Yes, the same country which is trying to prosecute Julian Assange for sexually abusing two women right after they admittedly had voluntary sex with him.)
Sounds crazy to me Islander. I say let it be legal for both parties. And the Assange things is weird to me too. But hey, you guys make some great music.
I feel for him. Meanwhile, I've been PMing with a member who is from Denmark, and I think I need to move over and keep you guys company. Nearly every kind of social thing I like, your general culture seems to not only like, but do.
People can have sex for free and that's 100% legal. The reality is, the woman thinks she's exploiting the man for money and he thinks he's exploiting her for sex acts. In the end, both are diminished by the act.
Its no crazier than it being illegal in other places. Honestly I find it creepy when governments get involved with the sex lives of consenting adults.
Hugs and kisses don't pay the bills... Kidding, but I do agree with Elgaisma about it being a little creepy when the government gets involved in the sex lives of consenting adults. You can pay for a can pay to get into a strip can pay for lap where do you draw the line? Seems like if you're an adult, you should be able to decide for yourself if that's something you want to get into or not. I wouldn't do it, and I wouldn't encourage my kids to do it, but I'm not going to look down on someone or tell them that they're messed up in the head because it's something they chose to do. Live and let live. Heyyyyyyyy.
It's really not about a "sex life" in most cases and that's why it's illegal. The issue is very complex and not like in same movie. It's a criminal hustle and in some cases like a tacit form of slavery. On the part of the John it can be a financially, and worse yet, relationship destructive activity where they're struck along by criminals.
Granted, I'm not deeply involved in the whole prostitution industry, but it seems to be a gross generalization to say that this is true of all forms of prostitution...
not sure why relationship destruction should be illegal unless you want to start stoning adulterers. I stated CONSENTING - if someone is being coerced they are not freely consenting to the act of sex. The coercing of someone into having sex when they do not wish to is rape and should be prosecuted as such. However if it as simple as someone receiving payment either in cash or kind, in an act they have chosen to do with another person - hell ya that is creepy involvement by government. I seem to remember from a paper I wrote for my law course that a person who promises something in exchange for sex and does not deliver can be charged with rape because it is obtaining sex under false pretences. The transaction the person consented to did not happen. So therefore they were coerced into having sex. I agree - make it legal it can have a certain level of regulation and safety increased for everyone involved. Including the partner of the dirty rotten snake who is cheating and he/she doesn't know.
As an aside, I always have difficulty siding with the argument of "Well if it was illegal, people would still do it and be very unsafe about it- possibly even hurting themselves. So it's best to make it legal and regulate it." I understand the logic here, but I still can't bring myself to support the idea. Seems more like a bandaid than a cure. Maybe sometimes that's all we can do? Make it legal. Fine, but good lord- please don't let that be the main reason.
I'd like to support the argument that it's peoples' choice to make, and that they have the right to do it, and all that jazz.... But I'd be doing it to save face, honestly. I've met prostitutes and, as much as I try, they have utterly disgusted me. Sorry, but it's true. I think it's vile. They can do what they like, but I could never respect anybody who worked as a prostitute. I certaintly couldn't be friends with one.
Is there any real reason why, or is it just based on your personal revulsion with sex in general? (Not saying either is better or worse)
It's the disease-carrying thing, I think. The whole idea of them passing around STDs just cringes me out. I'm sure prostitutes have showers and go to the doctors and everything, lol, but I bet they've all had bad experiences. The sex part I'm confused about. I don't see anything wrong with the porn industry, so I'm not sure why prostitution goes so far against my morals. Maybe it's because the porn world is kinda make believe, and I can understand people's need for fantasy. Real life prostitution, on the other hand, must be a dangerous and frightening place. I couldn't trust anyone involved in the same way I couldn't trust a drug dealer, I guess.
What an ignorant statement, one that demeans all sex workers to take precautions to protect both themselves and their customers. You act as if prostitutes lie in sewage gutters throwing themselves on potential customers. When it's illegal, you bet it will be dangerous. There is no oversight, no one to look out for the workers. Which is why the best thing to do is legalize it and make sure no one is being exploited.
....But they do. Most work on roadsides and alleyways, and most of their clients are drunken men who have no respect other than to throw money at them when they're done. They're lucky if they get the desperate type. It's not an ignorant statement at all, it's fact. Prostitutes put themselves at alot of danger and extreme health risks. Also, you asked, dude. If you don't like the answer, don't ask the question.
Well, why do you think it was made illegal? In countries where it's legal, just like drug use is in some, the point is to regulate the evils generated, not because they are awesome activities everyone should get involved in. As I said in the related thread, prostitution is legal in Holland but I doubt there's a Prostitution Academy all the yuppies are rushing to get their kids enrolled. That's because it sucks, both literally and figuratively.
This thread is getting the red stamp of Ye Be Warned This is a potentially sensitive and incendiary topic, so it's going to be zero tolerance. It will be closed at the first sign of flaming or unacceptable behaviour, and perpetrators will be shot infracted.
Having said that, my personal opinion is that prostitution is wrong, and should remain illegal. It victimises the most vulnerable in society, that they are forced to perform demeaning work in order to survive. I find the idea of paying for sex disgusting, and think that it makes a mockery of personal intimacy. To legalise it wouldn't prevent the dangers, of sexual violence, of disease, and of a cycle and trap which isolates individuals in its trap. I can't support any legalisation of it, and would not want to see any such legalisation. It would send entirely the wrong message, and legitimise what is essentially a form of abuse, in my opinion.
You lumped all prostitutes together under the STD umbrella. Not cool. And for those that enjoy the form of work, or at least the high rates of pay and low risk (in areas where it is legalized)? It can be a good way to make a living as long as people are watching for problems.
I agree with this. I attempt to keep my own, oddly strict, morals out of other people's lives. However, I firmly believe prostitution is harmful. To have a government explicitly support it by legalizing it seems a tragedy, in my opinion. S