Characters A and B are close friends. A hurts B, physically and/or emotionally (by either careless accident or intentional betrayal; either way, A is completely in the wrong). A goes on the run in order to avoid B (A thinks B wants revenge) and/or to escape the justice due for whatever illegal actions lead to hurting B. After some time, B forgives A, and B still cares about A. B becomes concerned that A is going down a self-destructive path, and B searches for A in order to offer forgiveness. I feel like I have seen this plot before. But where? EDIT: Since several people have commented about this, I am not asking because I want to write this story but am worried that someone else has already done so. I am asking because, if I really have seen this concept in another work, then I am interested in that work. Kind of like when you get a vague fragment of a melody in your head and you have a nagging desire to hear the full song, just to complete the melody in your head, but you cannot remember which song it is from, or even if it is from a song in the first place. Idunno, maybe it came to me in a dream.
God and mankind according to Christianity lol, you know... 1. Adam and Eve sin 2. Adam and Eve hide/run away thinking God's real mad 3. God comes after them 4. Fast forward a gazillion years to Jesus Christ's death on the cross, through which God forgives mankind 5. According to Christianity, God is still pursuing mankind offering that forgiveness (basically the message we give when we evangelise)
Doesn't matter if its been done before. Every basic plot has been done before, by someone. The key is to write it in a way that is interesting to the reader.
I agree; in fact, my current work in progress is very directly inspired by another book. My goal is to implement the same premise, but in my own way. Reading a book with the forgiveness premise might actually encourage me to write a book with the same premise. (As of now, I have no plans to do so.) The good could inspire me by proving what can be accomplished, and the bad could motivate me to do a better job of my own. Either way, I am asking more out of curiosity than anything else. This concept was on my mind for some reason when I woke up yesterday morning and it is bugging me that it sounds so familiar but I cannot remember where it is from. Maybe it is just déjà vu.
Yeah, but that's just the location. The title of the novel is "Brothers," which might give you a clue as to person A and person B! Uncanny....
So the problem is you feel like it's been done too often? I wouldn't worry about that at all. This is something that happens between people, it's realistic, and it's also interesting. The way you execute it will make the difference.
I am asking more out of curiosity than anything else. I woke up with this concept on my mind out of the blue, and it is bugging me that it sounds so familiar but I cannot remember where it is from. Maybe it is just déjà vu. But the concept is starting to grow on me. I am thinking of interesting ways to execute it. (And if I want to go with one of them, then I assure you, it will not dampen my enthusiasm to know that there are other works with the same premise. )