Hi Everyone! I am in the process of writing a short story.. or what I think to be a short story. It's only my second piece I have written.. and my first that I have actually planned! Hehehe Yes I was cheeky for my first story, I just wrote without planning it goes for ages, up to 100 pages now but is really bad! It was intended for practice though and i will probably never post it. But I learned.. you need to plan!!! Anyway this one is roughly seven chapters long each being about 2-3 pages. I have only written the first three roughly. So I was thinking of posting it under short stories eventually when I am happy with the chapters. Does it belong there because I have noticed that all the postings there are roughly the size as only of one of my chapters. Maybe a chapter at a time? Maybe only an excerpt? Or does it belong in Novels? Thoughts?? Suggestions? Thanks!
A chapter of a novel would go under novels. The short story section is for stories that stand alone without other chapters.
Actually, it's your choice. There are some differences in the pacing of short stories that differ from that of novels, but most of the reviews never get that deep, Whether it is a short story or a novel, a representative excerpt is better than posting something more lengthy than 3-4 screenfuls of text. If it's too long, people will skip past it or only review part of it anyway. After all, the purpose of the Review Room workshop is to critique the writing, not to view a complete story. Once the excerpt has gone through a couple cycles (and you have applied the relevant suggestios through the entire story!), it may be appropriate to post the complete story to judge how the entire pirce flows, but that would best wait until you've gotten all the help you can use with the excerpts.
i don't get why you refer to 'chapters' in re a short story, as short stories don't usually have chapters... in any case, you don't want to post the entire story, if you have any intention of submitting it for publication, as posting more than a couple of brief excerpts can harm your chances of selling it...