If you don't mind me asking, how did you (Mckk) recruit KaTrian? Just wondering if there is some sort of formal "Beta-reader Recruitment Agency", or is it more informal than that?
No, we don't have a formal process for it here on WF, not as such. The collaboration room can be used for arranging beta-reading projects. @T.Trian and I (we actually write together, much like Mckk wrote her novel with a friend) have found beta-readers just by asking the people who critted our Workshop entry (this was a long, long time ago, but I can't see why members couldn't still do that) if they were interested. We've also found a few just by showing interest towards their projects or when we've asked for help in some areas T and I don't know much about. I've beta-read WIPs that seem like the type of projects I can actually contribute to; fantasy, sci-fi, action-oriented stuff. E.g. I can't contribute much to romance. However, in @Mckk's case, the (romance) novel was already published, but I agreed to read it and give feedback on it 'cause we can both learn from the process nonetheless. I tend to get into detail plus I lead a hectic, busy life, and that makes me a frustration-triggering beta-reader 'cause I tend to take my sweet time!
Recruit? You make it sound so formal lol. There's certainly a collaboration subforum on WF where people seem to use for asking for potential betas, but no, in my case I tend to just ask. I don't think just posting a request for beta on a forum is all that beneficial. I prefer to approach individuals directly whose opinion/writing I respect, which means these things tend to be done via PMs and private emails (these tend to be also people I'd like to get to know and befriend) I always let anyone who agrees to read know that they're welcomed to stop any time they like and they're under no obligation to finish - I only ask they tell me where they stopped and why I don't usually chase people up on their progress either, unless I was waiting for their feedback in particular and cannot move on without it. I've had 3-4 members on WF read my stuff privately and have probably asked 1-2 more who didn't agree to do so Even if they don't give detailed feedback but I know that they finished the book and enjoyed it, I find that's actually pretty helpful in itself. It lets you know your book is enjoyable to read! @KaTrian - hahaha you're not frustration-triggering no probs with taking your time!
Definitely this. Whatever I've beta-read here, it's been after I've built rapport with the writer, usually over the forum, through posts, random chatting etc. Come to think of it, I've had two projects where I didn't know the writer at all, really, and I actually felt less motivated to "do the job", even though I was still reaping the benefits of critting. Those projects came from another forum. On WF, I've only read works from members who've contributed to the forum and with whom I've had some interaction with. It's nice to know who the person behind the book is. @Lemex Ah yes, the Secret Society of Beta Readers. They can only be approached through human sacrifice! To contact them, you must first study the works of the greatest Romantic poets and find the clues that will tell you how and where to leave the sacrifice and which phone number to text after you're done.
Thanks, I guessed that it worked something like this, but you never know...and I feel a short story about Lemex' search for the illuminati coming on!
Is this about No One to Save Her? I've gotten hung up reading it because the pdf jumps around on my mini-laptop and I have a heck of a time maintaining continuity. I do intend to finish, but since I hate my Windows 8 PC . . . Were you wanting feedback on it and not just a thumbs up or thumbs down?
Yep it's about No One to Save Her. Feedback and/or thumbs up or down are both good to me Even if I don't change a thing in this novel, the feedback is still helpful for future works. However, not everyone has the time for typing up loads of feedback so if all you have time for is a thumbs up/down then that's awesome too. Besides, I think you asked for the novel out of interest rather than for reasons of critique - so with you I assumed you were just being a regular reader If the PDF is annoying you, I could just send you the word document Windows 8 sucks indeed. I still have Windows 7 There's a way of getting rid of Windows 8 and reinstalling Windows 7, but in all honesty, I'm thinking about switching over to Linux. The constant monthly "urgent" Windows updates piss me off, whereas Linux doesn't have half as many updates cus it's just a better system, and when it does have updates, it doesn't require you to restart your laptop! One of these days when my husband has time, I'm gonna get him to do it for me.
A Word doc would be great. As for being a "regular reader," I've never been able to do that. Even less so after hanging out on these forums the past year . . .