Okay, my plot idea will deoend on the answer to the following question: Are submarines only used in the navy, or are they used for traveling aswell (like a boat)?
I am quite sure that they are used for other purposes too, like scientific research and news reports. But I don't think anyone uses submarines for day-to-day travel - unless they are filthy rich with deep interests in marine life.
A submarine is ineffecient for day to day travel. Subs have much more resistence, being underwater and all, and thus travel very slowly. On top of that they are ny nature cramped, compact, and uncomfy to live in (My uncle is in the navy and served on a sub for a year or so). They'r ejust not a effective means of travel. Great weapons of war because of their stratigic use, and good for deep sea research but not for normal travel. Surface ships as faster, smoother, more cost effective, and much more comfortable.
they're now and have always been used only for military purposes and research... as noted above, their construction and running costs, plus speed and cramped conditions don't make them useful for travel...
Are they? No. Could they POSSIBLY be? I suppose if you don't mind the negative concequences. Would many people use them? Probably not.
There is an underwater hotel off the coast of Florida that caters to scuba divers. They use a small submarine to transport luggage and supplies to the hotel, and to remove waste. I would also suspect that there are some hobbyists with minisubs, as there are aircraft hobbyists with their own experimental airplanes and copters. Also, there are some underwater craft for use with scuba equipment, if you don't limit the term submarine to craft with a "dry" cabin.
One year the Neiman Marcus Christmas catalog sold a set of his and hers mini subs. Not sure how many they sold.