Hey all, I"m using Word 2007 to write an article, and I feel like I'm using the word "challenge" way too many times. It's due soon, so I'm pressing forward and going back to better word stuff later. is there a way to see, on Word 2007, how many times I've used a certain word and where the word usages are, so I can go back and change some of them if need be? Sorry if this seems like a stupid question, normally I fix issues like this as I go so I've never had to use anything like this. I just have writer's block right now and I"m writing on a deadline that's actually...tomorrow (or later today, as it is 4 a.m.) Thanks.
Yeah. Press 'CTRL' (control) 'F' and type the word in the box. It'll show you every time the word has been used.
If you click "Find In" in the Ctrl + F box and then click "Main Document" it'll give you an actual number.
I believe that in Word, you can also click on "Tools", "Language" and "Thesaurus" to find lists of other words that mean basically the same thing as challenge, so that your writing doesn't sound so repetitive. Hope that helps address your problem.
If you're willing to be ever so slightly avant-garde with your journalism, you could just capitalize the word Challenge and repeat it all you want, so that it looks deliberate. As those of us in the software business sometimes say, "It's not a bug, it's a feature!"
Thank you guys sooooo much!!! Minstrel, if I did that, I'd get in trouble for misusing AP style or something...they're super strict haha.
better yet, you can highlight the word, then click on 'find' at the far right of your tool bar [has icon of binoculars]... that will open a little window where you can click on 'reading highlight' and select 'highlight all' or click on 'more' to narrow the selection parameters...