This is probably the 15,000th question like this on here, but I wanted some fresher content from you, my dear informed intellectual collective...does anyone know of any well-respected, known-to-be-good, small publishers? I was informed that some small publishers tend to be more willing to take on as of yet unknown writers, and my philosophy is to always start out small...Thoughts/Comments/Experiences welcome.
some of us may know of such presses, but you really need to do your own searching, to find ones that handle the kind of books you are writing... also, recommendations you get might not be up to date, so that's another reason for you to do what all serious writers have to do--their own scut work you can email me for some good publishers listings, to get you started... love and hugs, maia
I would suggest Writer's Market, a book that contains a host of publishers, large and small, agents, and editors.
Thank you Maia, I have no fear of research, nor delusions of an 'easy way' to finding publishers. I was merely looking for a jumping off point to do my own investigation. I will surely be sending you an email =] I'll give this a go through as well. Thank you also. =]
I've met with Publishers, here's my advice... I've met with "small" publishers and have had limited success. They want to publish my special education textbook (lol a textbook), but my beloved science fiction novel got the shaft... so close... so far. In all honestest my scifi book wasn't ready, and they weren't the right kind of publishers for the book (and I shouldn't be complaining with half success). Anyway, yes the book mentioned overhead is great! But... if you don't want to spend any money and want something that's always updated than I suggest these two sites... Writer Beware and Preditors & Editors. These are sites chalk full of agents, publishers, helpful hints, and all the in between stuff. If you're a writer and you haven't been to these sites than go now and really spend some time looking at them. One a side note why do you want to publish with a small company?