1. Do powerful punches knock out people's teeth? Does it depend on where the blow ends up landing? Very curious about this. 2. Can a powerful enough punch to someone's skull accidentally kill them? 3. With all of this, if the person is high on amphetamines the whole time, do they hit much harder? The third one is important because the scene in question involves someone on amphetamines getting enraged, and almost killing their mother while destroying every piece of furniture in the house.
Yes, well, the story does make a scenario like this extremely likely. But anyway, okay, two more questions. 1. Do resulting heavy punches cause massive bruises on the skull, swelling, or what? 2. Are said resulting injuries sure to be punches, or can they be mistaken for other types of accidents?
LOL, isn't is annoying when it tells you that? @Killer - I wish I had something to add, but it seems Joker's covered it all. Good answers, all.
1. Do powerful punches knock out people's teeth? Does it depend on where the blow ends up landing? Very curious about this. Yes they can. Punches can losen and/or knock out teeth. 2. Can a powerful enough punch to someone's skull accidentally kill them? Yes, repeated impacts from bashing your fist against someone's skull can lead to the person getting a concussion. All the sharp movements of the head snapping back and forth will throw the brain around. If the damage is severe enough, it can even cause brain hemoraging. Punching someone in the temple will also put pressure on the brain. 3. With all of this, if the person is high on amphetamines the whole time, do they hit much harder? They may not necessarily hit harder, but they won't feel the pain from punching someone. Ever notice how boxers will bind their fists before putting on their boxing gloves? That is to help reinforce their fists and prevent injury. Every time you punch someone your fists takes a bit of damage. Hit someone hard enough, you can shatter your fist. In real life, if you hit someone hard enough to break their jaw or KO them with a singe punch, your fists would be feeling the pain too.
Good, because they actually have to for plot reasons at the hospital provide a different reason for what happened. Okay, one last question for now. 1. After the episode, would the person's hands hurt from punching so hard? Would their hands possibly be damaged in some way from hitting so hard, keep in mind she's punching the correction way with her thumbs on the outside.
And just adding to what The-Joker said. 1. If there is swelling, there will definately be bruises. 2. Doctors and coroners (if the person with the bruises is dead) can examine the pattern of a bruise and determine what might have caused it. Ditto with bone breaks. i.e. A bruise/bone break caused by being hit with a crowbar will look different than from being caused by someone bashing their fist into you repeatedly.
1. After the episode, would the person's hands hurt from punching so hard? Would their hands possibly be damaged in some way from hitting so hard, keep in mind she's punching the correction way with her thumbs on the outside. Yes, their hands will be very sore, especially if they are not used to punching a lot. You can punch people the correct way and your hands will still take damage naturally over time. As I said in an earlier post, hit someone hard enough and you can shatter your fist. You will be in a lot of pain, but so will the other guy. Also, punching certain areas of the head is a bad idea. For example, punching someone in the forehead is a very very bad idea. It will hurt the person very little, if at all, while doing a lot of damage to your hand such as spraining/breaking/dislocating a finger.
Ah, I see. Forunately, she doesn't, because otherwise our junkie would be in jail for awhile. Yes, this character is actually supposed to be quite sympathetic despite the given circumstances, i.e. almost killing someone while high on drugs. That does remind me of a question actually. 1. How long does a high on amphetamines last? I'm thinking that two people would have to attempt to hold her down until her high wears off basically. This also would help determine when she started her high. The set up is that she comes home, smashes everything in the house, and when the stepmother returns... lets just say the lesson is you do not further enrage a drug addict who already hates you quite heavily. After a couple blows, two other family members arrive to restrain her, however holding her down is quite difficult to say the least.
Since the question has already been answered above, I won't rehash it here. I'll only add that, regarding knocking out teeth, that should a person punch someone in the mouth and the victim's mouth is open at the instant the punch connects, it is possible to cut your fists on their teeth (possibly even cutting tendons and ligaments that impair your hand). This may or may not be an issue in your story, but I'm just tossing it out for reference.
The length of time that a drug will affect a person as well as how exactly that drug affects them depends on a number of factors including age, health (mental and physical), weight, and tolerance. If you need a reference compare people that are drinking and it is obvious that some people become intoxicated more rapidly although they consume the same amount of alcohol. Also, two intoxicated people can act totally different despite consuming the same quantity / same type of drink.
From what you describe I get the impression that you are afraid that the girl doesn't have enough power in her punch. A lot of sensible things being said, just to take it from a different viewpoint, you could kill someone by hitting the right spot. Think of hitting someone upwards on the nose, causing the nose bone to penetrate the brains. The hit can be done by the palm of your hand, affixing the joints (pulse, elbow) and tensing the muscles. However, under drugs this might be too much of a stress, not so much for the force needed as well for the coordination required.
Well, I'm mainly trying to figure out the damage she does, and whether the drugs will give her special impact or not.
From bitter and painful personal experience, I'd say it is very unusual to actually knock out a healthy strong tooth with a punch. I've had several powerful blows to my front teeth - twice in fights, once in a fall whilst running, once when I nearly ended myself in a cycling accident, and once in a drunken stumble. As a result my front top teeth now have crowns on them. Every single one of those incidents resulted in teeth being broken or cracked below the gum, but no damage above the gumline and certainly no teeth knocked out. As for killing someone, it's certainly not an impossibility, but most incidents I read about where people die from a single punch seem to relate to their head hitting the ground after the punch, and it's that second blow that ultimately causes their demise.