I am using MLA style and I was wondering which source to cite. I am using an image on a Web site that has the original source listed. Do I cite the Web site, the original source, both?
I'm not sure how to cite a photo but I can give you a guess as to what info must be included. Cite the photo taker, the publisher, the date taken, date published, date you accessed the site, and the site URL. I use Citation Machine most of the time by they have no option for citing a photo so I'm not sure, but what I mentioned is all the important information involved so if you include all that I don't see a problem. My suggested format: Photo Taker. Publisher. Date Taken. Date Published. Date Accessed. <URL>. EDIT: Is this a web article? If it is a photo that is part of an article you should just cite the article which covers all the articles contents including pictures as far as I know.
umuc.edu/library/guides/mla.shtml Not sure if Cog's going to delete the link I just posted there, but anyway, go to that website and scroll down to "Images".