I am not even too sure that this query is posted in the right place, but here it is anyway..... I have piece i would like to post for critique (when I have met the right criteria). The issue is, I am not sure where to post it. It was written as a short story, so I planned to post it in the short stories thread, obvious right? But I have since discovered the non fiction thread, and the event of the short story I have written is true, so should I post it there? Senior members, mods, where would you suggest it go? Dont mean to be dumb, just not sure.... Thanks
Events may be true but the story is fiction if you have any fictional elements, say, if you have fictional characters. The movie Titanic is a good example. If you have no such fictional elements you should post it on non-fiction.
Thanks killbill, you have made my mind up, non fiction it is. It is a recollection/reflection of a personal experience despite being written in a short story 3 pers narrative. Where as my other (hopefully bigger) piece i am working on (ish), is fictional, inspired by a true story, with a real war as the back drop to it. Thanks for the distinction. Pretty obvious now, d'oh!