The easiest way to review a story is to quote the whole thing, and make a few changes with strike-throughs, bold text, and comments, but if I do this, the whole story is posted again. The alternative to this is to quote certain parts of the story multiple times, but that takes forever. What's a faster way to quote multiple parts of a story? I cringe at the thought of doing it the hard way.
1. Quote the entire range you wish to comment on, enclosed in [NOPARSE][/NOPARSE] tags using the speech balloon icon. 2. Within that highlight a segment you don't wish to comment on, and hit delete. 3. Without moving the cursor, insert another [NOPARSE][/NOPARSE]tag Delete the / from the end tag and put it in the start tag: [NOPARSE][/QUOTE]
Hehe I cheat. I copy/paste the entire story and then put all my comments in it on Microsoft Word, then recopy/paste it into the return box and turn my comments a different color. That's my preferred way to do it anyways. ~Lynn
You could just quote the entire thing, critique your heart out, but delete those parts that you don't wish to comment in the quote. Instead of multiple small quotes, it's just one well-formed quote. What you comment on is in there, what you don't - isn't. I'm simply lazy with copying and pasting, I guess.
Isn't there a way to 'hide' something in your post, the way people do in order to hide spoilers. That way, your post isn't taking up the whole thread, and you can still have the quick and easy 'repost the whole story' thing.... Just a suggestion..
The only purpose of quoting is to point out specific passages in the writing. Leaving the portions that you are not commenting upon makes the post cluttered. Using a spoiler tag instead fo a quote merely compresses the quoted text until you open it up for reading, so if you are reading the comments, you STILL get a shipload of clutter. The reason people use separated quoted secxtions is to nmore clearly separate the comments from the piece of writing the comment refers to. It's consderate to do it that way, so whoever is reading the critique (hopefully NOT only the author) can most easily distinguish the comments from the quoted text.
Yes, I see where you're coming from. I think I was more focusing on the crtiques I've seen that go at the whole story. The entire excerpt is filled with red (not all bad) and cutting it down would be leaving out five sentences. But yes, small quotes are better for all.