If I use a Dana Carvey line from the Church Lady character, "Well, isn't that special," as well as Rodney Dangerfield's, "I get no respect," changing it to "He gets no respect," and in both cases attributing the lines to Dana and Rodney, do I have to get permission to use the lines in a novel?
I am by means not really authorized to answer this, but as far as my high school papers go, as long as you credit the work I think you should be okay. I think it's different when you say your character went to Taco Bell or Bank of America or a cooperation, but I think when your just quoting someone else (movie line, poetry verse, speech) as long as you have credit. "Well isn't that special." He said after I showed him my painting, mocking the Dana Carvey character from SNL. I think that may be correct.
actually, once lines like that have entered the public vernacular, it's ok to use them without attribution, if you want... it's done all the time in both written works and tv/film... btw, seelife, that example is incorrect in several aspects... should be: "Well, isn't that special!" he said, after..."