I love random facts, I feel that a day is wasted unless I learn something new...so, let's share our randomized knowledge~ Random Fact: Issac Asimov is the only writer to have a book in a majority of the Dewy-decimal system categories. According to this link <http://www.asimovonline.com/asimov_FAQ.html#others11> he hasn't written in philosophy.
J.K Rowling refrained from publishing her full initial name as a FEMALE writer because she worried teenage boys not buying her Hpotter books. now that's sexism for you or is it?
Brasilia is the capital city of Brazil (not Rio De Janeiro as many people in the US might believe). A similar situation exists with Australia. Do you know the capital of Australia? Isn't it Sydney? No, it is not, Sydney is the largest city but the capital city is Canberra, located in the state of New South Wales. Sydney is also located in New South Wales.
1) Abusing homophones was perfectly acceptable up until the 1700s. 2) Rhode Island, US, has the longest official name but it is one of the smallest of US states. 3) Pandemonium, the word, was invented by John Milton. It was first used in Paradise Lost as the name of Satan's palace. in Hell. 4) The idea that Satan rules over Hell comes from a 14th century misreading of Dante.
regarding number FOUR wasn't that what Hades was for the Greeks anyway. HOMOPHONES is the same false friends or faux amis where by the same words appear in English and in French but means different things.
Hades being ruler of the Underworld has almost nothing to do with Satan, who in the bible was punished and sent to earth as a kind of Nyarlathotep character. In Dante Alighieri's Comedy (heavily based on parts of Virgil's Aeneid) he is punished in Hell, as he is in Milton's Paradise Lost but only in a more passive way than being trapped in ice. The bible, however, is vague at best on the subject, and never physically describes him. I'm doing my dissertation on Epic Poetry. And your second sentence doesn't make sense, and by the way I speak French. A homophone is a word that sounds just like another but has a different meaning: Lol and Loll, You're and Your.
bonjour well I was refering to Hades in oppostion to Satan in that one send to the underworld and one send to earth. a kind of an allegory of mine but juxtaposed.
Exactly what it says on the tin. More accurately, it's possible to give someone with a nut allergy an allergic reaction by eating a Brazil nut and then having unprotected sex with them. So all the pain, and none of the stomach-filling gain.
If you rub garlic on your feet you can get garlic breath. Also, according to OMGFacts, After a drug lord was killed, his pet hippos escaped into the wild, and now Columbia has some sort of hippo problem. Weird . . .
O.M.G!! shall I say. a Hip OH problem more like..just goes to show we must release animals back into the wild.
In fact, the capital city of Australia is not in New South Wales, it is in the Australian Captial Territory (ACT) which is surrounded by New South Wales. Also a fact, I am pedantic.
Hades wasn't sent to the Underworld, he was it's King. He and his brothers, Zeus and Possiden, became masters of their respective levels after winning a long war with elder gods.
Well, that's a bit unnuanced. The Black Death was not just one variant of the plague but several. There are three known variants that each has its own ways of infecting. Pneumonic plague, for instance, can be transmitted through air. There's also eyewitness reports from the time that suggest the plague spread through contamination of water and from the corpses of already deceased victims. Scholars and scientists still argue about what strands were more dominant and exactly how they got to spread as far as they did.
While George Washington Carver found hundreds of new uses for peanuts he did not invent Peanut butter, (He may have made it however); peanut butter was invented by the Aztecs.