I'm back for a short while. And I didn't realise we'd reached our 50th Poetry contest. Has it really been a year since I started that first one up due to the number of requests I'd received. That said we Owe Torana The forum princess who loves Pink lots a big thanks for taking over the reigns when my time became taken. And wow so many new faces. But its good to see the old faces still lingering around. Well I'm back for a bit so watch out. ~Raven. Senior Super Moderator.
Welcome back Raven. Hope you have enjoyed your time away from the boards. As for the poetry contests, the 50th is a tricky one and not many entries thus far. I think it is to do with the chosen words more than the chosen theme... Take care. Torana
Well you were the evil individual who chose them Nah, they're good, and there's plenty of time left for entering
Well Cogito gave a few words, but you are right. I made the final decision on the words. I love using words people normally wouldn't. <I'll stop threadjacking now>
Are you insinuating something Raven? Are you trying to say that I have always and always will be a threadjacker? I take that offensively. I have only threadjacked twice in the last few months. So there! <mainly because I am almost never around long enough to even attempt to threadjack>
Hey, Raven! Nice to see you wandered back in. I figured that might happen if we had cookies lying around.
Welcome back! So where'd you disappear off to for the last couple of months? Recording an album? Spending time with the family? Publishing a book?