I know that this isn't necessary by any means, but I still want to, heck, say hello again. Or something like that. It seems I last posted on 2013. Trust me, I have been lurking around, spying on you, reading your every post. I have made eight posts on my stay here. Some details about my current writing: 1. I have submitted a novella to a few publishing houses (yes, here in Fnland we actually submit them without an agent) and I am eagerly, but patiently waiting for a response. 2. I also have submitted a short story for a contest. Actually wrote two of them, but only submitted the better one. 3. My current WIP is a leisurely novella about a video game. Trying to be little more active this time. Wish me luck...
Hello there, fellow Finn! And welcome back. In case you haven't seen our New Member Guide yet, here you go. Do you write in English or Finnish? The last I checked, Finnish publishing houses weren't big on manuscripts written in English. Granted, that was like 5 years ago. Anyway, hope to see you around a bit more. There aren't that many Finns around here! -Kat
Thanks. Winged foxes are the best kind of foxes. Oh, and for KaTrian, I write in Finnish. For Finnish audience of course. Although I wouldn't mind my work being translated into other languages. They do have some international appeal, I think.