A few of the eagle-eyed among you may have noticed I've not been throwing my hat into the ring nearly as often as I have been... horrible real life home stuff has been intruding lately. Just wondering if anyone's had experience with the website I turned to in my hour of need: ReadItSwapIt.co.uk It's a UK-based book swap site which lets readers post their books for free and swap them, basically. It's also absolutely addictive!! For the cost of mere postage you could have the book you've never quite justified shelling out to Amazon for, plus have a nice empty space on your shelf to put it. Providing they want to read one of your books, of course (I've been declined more times than I care to admit...). I've got far less writing done these past couple of months than I wanted to. My words per minute, however, has rocketed.
I prefer to buy from book depository. Half the time the books are cheaper than anywhere else, and the postage is free to anywhere in the world. I got Dan around 20 books for $200 last year.
I have come across this, or a similar site, and been tempted. But for some reason, I don't like the thought of swapping books I've personally bought... although them sending me theirs is obviously fine.
I'm the same, but then most of the books we buy now are signed books. Besides, if they tried it here in Australia, it wouldn't work too well. Postage is extortionate over here.
Yeah there is postage to consider, and I'm already doing another post thingy so it could get quite expensive... One of the reasons I wouldn't want to swap my books is because you know when sometimes people fold down the top corner of a page as a bookmark? That drives me crazy. An ex-friend used to do that with library books and I got so annoyed at her. So if someone did that with mine I'd be annoyed at them. It is a good idea though to swap books. I think I'd prefer a regular swapping of books in your own region to save postage though, like a regular meet up where you swap books with other people in your area. That way it's more social too.
Today I posted a load, six books in all, costing me about £8 (second class postage has no problem with it whatsoever), and for that I get five books and an audio tape (viva old media!) back, all of which I do want to read or have a look at, so I don't think it's a bad deal at all. I do, however, think I'm addicted and I'm spending far too much on books at the moment and not enough saving - beware, Contagion! :/