I've heard of these sorts of stories before. Years and years ago I heard a story about a man whose penis had been severed, and until a specialist could come in and do the surgery, they kept the tissue alive by attaching it to his arm.
Abdominal pedicle flaps are common, but that is a different procedure from sewing the hand to another limb while the arm stump heals. I've never heard of a penis being sewn to a blood supply at a distant body location. That one sounds like a myth though it wouldn't surprise me to find out it wasn't. Amputated penises can be reattached sometimes. I thought people might get a kick out of this IgNobel Prize from this year. The IgNobels, 2013: Reattachment of the penis. Unless it was first eaten by a duck.
I'll have to share that one with my husband. He believes I'm Queen of the Penis Removal Stories, because somehow I'm always coming across them. I was the first to inform him of Lorena Bobbitt, when that happened years ago, as it was first coming into the news. (Of course my source on this was my mom.)
Ok -- Holy Freakin Moly. I distinctly remember this story being discussed on the radio, in a pretty extensive segment sometime in the 1980s. The man's penis had been severed by a lawnmower, and there was all sorts of speculation as to just how TF this happened. So, I googled to see if it was a myth and lo and behold I found pictures. I was going to post, but given that it is a picture of a penis, I was concerned about this violating this sites TOS. If you really want the link, I'll PM if you PM me.
What was the search string? Yeah, I'd like to see the case. It sounds interesting. A lawn mower? I've seen fingers brought in and though I've not seen them I assume lots of toes get the blade.
I think it was severed penis reattached to arm or something like that. It came up right away -- an imgur.com page