Hey everybody, In my Child Development class in grad school, I am required to analyze a fictional book character on how their childhood affected them later in life. Any recommendations of books with characters with troubled childhoods? The more the narrator dwells on the childhood, the better, because it will give me more to work with. Thank you! -Funky
John Steinbeck's East of Eden. There are several major characters in that book who are portrayed as children and as adults, and you see how their childhoods affected their adult lives. Besides, it's a wonderful novel. Highly recommended!
That's a great idea. Unfortunately it has to be fiction. I'll edit the OP to be more clear. Thanks though!
"Dreamcatcher" by Stephen King has a lot of childhood stuff, but it's less about their parents/home lives and more about the MCs' childhood friendships and how they reached out to a mentally handicapped kid (this is all related to the current story, as the handicapped kid transfered psychic abilities to them and blah blah blah). But it deals with stuff like bullies, and powerful childhood experiences, if you're interested.