RED-DEE…SET...BEGIN!!! Exercise…Exercise…Exercise! Not going to the gym…again. What’s it been? Seven years? I hear Bella. She’s coming to watch over me. Exercise…Exercise!…Exercise!! Forty-nine in dog years. She’s gaining on me. Concentrate. EXERCISE! EXERCISE!! EXERCISE!!! Bella's cocking her head at me, side to side. She looks worried. Concentrate! DON'T LOOK AT THE CLOCK! EXERCISE!!...EXERCISE!!! One-TWO-THREE! EX-ER-CISE…EX-ER-CISE. Must…Con…centrate. Breath. Focus. Arms over my head! Bend the knees! Turn my neck! All make a crunchy sound and Bella hears. She turning her head faster watching, listening. ONLY FIFTEEN MINUTES?!! Is that it?! Is this my fifteen?? DAMN-IT MAN!! Ignore the pain. CONCENTRATE!!! Push through the pain...EXERCISE!! EXERCISE!!!…The sound...not the sound...I'm still crispy and it's a mind killer. Nose to nose, she excited, tail’s wagging. She knows something’s coming…EX-ER-CISE. EX-AR-CISE. Can’t focus. She’s in pig squeal mode! Whee! Whee!! I feel my body…mind's quitting…no will power to go on. She's licking my face. EX ER CIDES…EX AR SIDES. EX ARE SIDES…EGGS ARE SIDES! EGGS ARE SIDES FOR CRISPY BACON!!!
I'll join you - Start off with a little touch..toes...almost... there. Ah Once more. Again. Need to take a break - a stretch. Crackle. Ignore my bones shifting, I've been sitting a while. Kick and punch. Kick and punch. Kick and punch. Kick and punch. Kick and punch. Kick and punch. Kick and punch. Kick and punch. Kick and punch. Kick and punch. Kick and punch. Kick and punch. Kick and punch. Kick and punch. Kick and punch. Kick and punch. Huff. Huff. Huff. Get those knees up. Hustle, Hustle. I'm holding out for the bacon.
This isn't a discussion. It's a technicolor yawn* by the OP. * Technicolor yawn, talking to Ralph, hugging the porcelain god, blowing lunch, etc.
It's fine! Don't feel bad. I actually find it kind of flattering when people think I'm older than I really am.
You do write like an older person, which is probably why you're here... Truthfully, drinking to the point of massive dehydration is something no one should go through, regardless of age. It really, really sucks when you have to work the next morning and you've got Technicolour Yawn Syndrome like it's going out of style.