This dark tale of inner demons, murder and loneliness is superbly executed. 'Redemption' is a no-holds-barred psychological thriller that captivates from the start. This absorbing novel is a tasty confection of love lost, betrayal and vendettas in which the author exhibits a quick wit and flawless storytelling. A strikingly original piece of work-dark, erotic and thought-provoking.
I give this book review and average rating as opposed to and excellent only because of the way in which it was presented. The formatting is choppy and makes me wonder if you really believe what your saying about this story and its author. Otherwise, I would have rated it excellent. Thanks for posting
I read this a few book a months back and thought it was actually quite good. I agree about it being 'choppy' in parts (reminded me a bit of Bret Easton Ellis) but possibly it was written in that style to convey the main characters inner turmoil? For those of you who have not read it the storyline is of a twisted psychological thriller. The author writes about the journey of a tormented soul, a lonely heart that seeks companionship, a soul that is so delicate and sensitive and hurt that you yearn for him to win out. I thought it was also a fine sample of a lonely soul living in the seedy streets of London. Coupled with the dark observational humour/wit that runs through the story I thought it was a pretty good contemporary thriller and a curious key to the heart of a gothic writer.