Basically Alana Kosovo was a Russian woman caught in the blast of an atom bomb test; her body was destroyed, but her consciousness persisted, and used the nuclear energy of the bomb to build itself a new body from the ground up. This new form was near (aside from being a wee bit taller and idealized) identical to Alana's old body, but possessed vast, near godlike physical and mental abilities, having supernatural strength, speed, senses, intelligence, invulnerability, healing capabilities, teleportation, flight, microwave energy projection and electricity manipulation, also "touch telepathy". She calls herself Sovereign because she isn't loyal to any one nation, but rather to the world. Edit: Nuclear bomb test is now UFO crash.
This sounds a lot like Dr. Manhattan. I'm not sure what you're looking for as far as responses goes. It seems like you've got everything figured out already...?
Ah. Well you could always make her a physicist. Or if they were really secretive about the whole thing (or just mean), that could be her punishment for intruding on their project?
Also, this sound like a neat insignia? Three infinity symbols intertwined. Also, what could her twin (well one's a clone of the other) grandson's have as powers due to their dad being Hermes?
Well just from reading up a bit on wiki, here are a few that I think would fit: Force field/shield-Hermes was the protector of all travelers Super speed or flight-The whole winged shoe thing Able to understand foreign languages-He was the messenger It said he "invented" fire, but I don't think he's particularly known for that one. Still, you could do something with that. Superhuman reflexes-It also said he was the patron of many athletic sports like boxing and wrastling (yes, wrastling) Also, three infinity symbols is a cool idea.
Also, does it seem to silly that a Russian women immigrated to the Western world and now (well the thing's set in 1974) is reasonably successful business women?
Was she successful before or after she became Sovereign? It was hard for women to be successful in the 40s, if that's her era. Even in the 70s it was hard for women to be successful on their own unless they were movie stars or something. If she was Sovereign by that time, however, she could probably be as successful as she wanted to.
She immigrated to Australia and started a publishing company after becoming Sovereign, also would it be neat if her powers were rooted in subconscious atom manipulation?
You are almost in the realm of a hero being unstoppale and having no weakness; which leads to not a very enticing read. It is hard to feel anything for a character when you already know nothing can happen to them. As far as telling the back story, I agree with Tristan. Make her a nuclear physicist or something. Though I would argue agiasnt using the nuclear blast at all. It is way overdone.
Perhaps she wants to test a theory, and just be that confident in facing death. AAAAAAAAAAAND she sounds exactly like Dr. Manhattan, loyal to none, prone to spelunking on Mars.
Well Sovereign and her children and grandkids switch between non powered and super being forms, with various degrees of transformation. So anybody have thoughts on weaknesses? Also does a UFO crash sound cooler?
Kryptonite? Ha, but in all seriousness, I'd run with the two different forms thing you just mentioned. Maybe they can only transform a certain amount of times, or they're incredibly weak when they're not powered up, or maybe turning into super beings is killing their other bodies (kind of like a poison)?
You can still use the explosion, all I was saying is don't have the radiation be the cause of her powers. Have something leak out of the earth or something during the explosion. Or have the explosion unearth some alien artifact or something. I dunno, anything but radiation. (In my opinion)