What are peoples thoughts on Regression (regressive) Therapy. Bogus, interesting? Anyone had any experience? For years I've wanted to have the experience, but I'm not to sure. I've had a few experiences which I'd like to look over (One was when i was 20, the other when i was 3 - all good experiences I'll like to point out). But deep down i just think its a load of crap. My partner thinks it would be worth a shot, but you know....
Undeniably interesting. Yet, if I was in a tight spot it wouldn't be my first port of call. No doubt a perceptive, sensitive and warm practitioner might be helpful (and I don't think success necessarily requires either patient or therapist to accept the past lives evoked are objectively 'real') but it seems a roundabout fashion of getting at 'you' when 'you' are sitting six feet away. The best therapists, it seems to me, learn to drop the fiats of their school and begin to work with the human in front of them.
Oh, apologies. If you mean regression through your current life then...my thoughts, such as they are, remain the same.
Might be worth trying out with a standarad hypnotherapist and seeing what happens - you will know what you feel about the sensations and what you are willing to give up to someone else etc.
I've never really looked to see if there are people who just do hypnotherapy though. I'm assuming there has to be. I trust people, but it would be worth checking out. Not everyone can actually be hypnotised. Someone i sold one of my puppies was someone who worked on the regressive therapy.
i've both undergone some helpful hypno-therapy and seen family members helped by it... plus, i've employed the hypnotic techniques i learned on some who were also helped by being taken back to an earlier/childhood situation... i've also had experience in both directions with past life regression, so if you want any first-hand info, feel free to email me... love and hugs, maia maia3maia@hotmail.com
Hypnotherapy - is a therapy that is undertaken with a subject in hypnosis. Hypnotherapy is often applied in order to modify a subject's behavior, emotional content, and attitudes, as well as a wide range of conditions including dysfunctional habits, anxiety, stress-related illness, pain management, and personal development Regression Therapy - Uses the same to reveal momeories of past lives. But whichever one i'm thinking of, i cant remember. Its not of past lives, but of past memories of this life. Maybe normal Hypnotherapy works, but i thoughti it was called Regressive therapy.
in both, the patient is 'regressed' so it's just a matter of how far back... for instance: i re-experienced a fall as i took my first steps, which relate directly to the cause of my migraines in later life; one of my daughters recalled my being pushed down by my violent husband, which caused her to feel her own life was in jeopardy, since she was still in the womb, at about 7-8 months along!; and one of my sisters surprisingly recalled a past life, after i'd regressed her to her childhood, to find out what was behind her drinking problem...
That sounds incredibly surreal. I don't know if I'd want to go back and remember stuff like that from my life...
Hypnotherapy supposedly works. Regression therapy, as in "recalling" experiences or moments you have forgotten, is considerably more sketchy and from what I have learned, probably a case of people believing what they want to believe.
not when the therapist knows what they're doing and the hypnotic state is genuine... this technique is also often used successfully, to help victims of crimes recall their attackers' faces and other details that lead police to the perps...
With anything like this, you have to go in with an open mind and understand that anything they bring up may cause distress. A friend of mine had a very nasty experience with regression therapy, and because of her experience, I have never wanted to give it a try. In my own honest opinion, it is all a load of nonsense. I truly believe that the only way to get over an obstacle, is to truly want to, with every part of your existence. If you have the will power to over come an obstacle, then you will overcome it. Anyways, we are have our own opinions and thoughts on things like this. I'm not saying don't do it, just passing on my own opinion. What works for one person, doesn't always work for the rest. If you want to try it, try it, but go in with an open mind to it. I never could, so I'd never bother to try it.
I don't want to overcome and obsticle though. i just want to remember or see what i saw at a certain point of time. To see if it makes any sense. It's kind of complicated, but not really so.
From what I know, the technique is most often used without success. There are well-documented cases of regression "therapy" leading to misremembered or even entirely fabricated memories.
Why don't you try out a hynoptherapy CD ? Glenn Harrold I find very good - some find his voice very annoying though. It is basically a guided meditation it is highly possibly to hypnotise yourself - although I have never tried regression therapy I can use suggestion to get my butt into gear and reduce pain.