Religion or Evolution I wanted to know some of your views on this. Being writers and all, lets offer each other a little bit of enlightenment and share our views, debate a little you know? Alright, so what do you believe in? our creation by god's hands or the first bi-ped crawling out of the ocean after millions of years of evolution?
Hmmm, evolution my friend, evoltution. It sounds far more interesting to me, I don't actually have any religious beliefs. But I know others do and I don't criticise them for it, I just don't believe that's all.
Well my thoughts.......wind blowing through the holes in the sides of my head....can anyone here the crickets....hmmm....maybe I'm going nuts.... Nah just kidding my thoughts. Well I used to belive that we came from apes cause I had a teacher in school that seriously did look like an ape, he really stank too, I tried to avoid his class at the best of times. Was too painful on my nose and stomach.
Nah can't say I did and unfortunately I don't remember the teachers name, he didn't like me I know that much. I don't really know much about evolution but it makes far more sense to me than the religious beliefs. At least with evoltuion there is evidence to back it up (i think), I'm a firm believer in seeing is believing and I can't see god so I don't believe. Hope no one is offended by that comment.
Really? Enlighten me. Last I checked, the probabillity of all these gasses stirring about and then exploding to create the world, and for one cell to turn into something like ahuman would be about as probable as a great man in the sky sweeping his hand and bringing things forth out of nothing. They're both hard to believe, I lean slightly more towards creation, but that's because Im Catholic.
Science hasn't proven or disproven if there is such a thing as god, heaven or hell. All of this is still rooted in faith as you know. And too, science only deals with theory and conjecture until they have absolute proof otherwise. So evolution of human from ape is still only a theory because the missing link to support that theory still hasn't been found. First there was the explosion, then there was the swirl of gases to form planets that takes a very long time for the final stage of development. This is how the first string of life starts. Humans didn't simply evolve from one cell into our current form. It takes millions of years of genetic development and fusion for this to happen. So whereas it is said that we have only been around for a few hundred thousand years this actually means in our current form. In theory, we have been around since the dawn of this planet, just in other forms - plankton being one of the earliest ones. Like I said, this is all theory and conjecture until proven or disproven. For all we know we all could've been planted here by another species for an experiment by other world life forms.
I'm fairly certain the forum has some sort of policy regarding the use of racial slurs. Even if it doesn't, do consider how such vulgarities make the rest of us look. Thank you.
There's a fun little hypothesis running about that one could create a miniature "big bang" in a large enough particle collider. I hope someone looks into this.
Sure. Evolution requires the type of faith I have in gravity. Both can be proved and observed. And creation requires the type of faith I have in magic. If I want magic to exist in my world, I have to accept that I'll never see or touch it. So, yes, they both require faith.
Well newguy you started this thread and seem to be interested in keeping it going, so what do you think? What is your opinion on all of this? Do tell...........
alright... see there are many conflicting things between the two theories, mainly faith and logic... I have found that humanity tends to cling to either one. Whatever seems more convenient and feeds our perspective more fittingly, that is the correct Idea. I am not an aethiest nor am I an anti-evolutionary, in fact I think these two Ideas share more in common than you think. See in genesis, the book speaks off of us coming from the garden of eden, while as some scientists believe that we hale from a deep jungle... In the bible we are banned, and in science the jungle begins to wither... some ideas shared non? I know you may think this is the easy way out on my part, but I find it to be a logical theory