I really need a religious name for a horse, something that wouldn't be blasphemous, but something that has a distinctly religious ring to it. I don't want a saints name, but anything Catholic sounding would be great! Suggest away!
I think it depends on the time period. I could definitely imagine a Confederate on a horse wit a simple OT name like Moses, or Noah, even Elijah
The Wikipedia site has a huge list of Biblical names. Just put 'biblical names' into your search engine, and choose the Wikipedia site. I don't know about Catholic ones, though. Of all the suggestions above, the one that jumps out at me is Trilby's "Samson." That's a great name for a horse—provided it's not a mare!
Jesus...but, pronounced in the Spanish way. They are all over the place here. One guy has started his own gardening biz called, Jesus Landscaping. And on the side of his truck he has painted, "dependable & honest." I'm thinking about hiring him just so and can say, "Thank you Jesus!"
Like someone else said, I like the name "Samson" But, if you want to keep the general sound of that name while making it sound even more unusual, then how about "Samael?" I think that's the name of the angel of death from Jewish mythology. That makes it kind of ambiguous as to whether it's good or evil, and it sounds pretty epic in my opinion Maybe even a bit too fancy for a simple horse.
Samson was the name of Prince Phillip's horse in Disney's Sleeping Beauty I read this so that it's ambiguous whether the horse is good or evil
catholic-sounding: monsignor altar boy absolution canticle magisterium paraclete ...google a catholic glossary and you'll find many more 'possibles'..
Good one, Mammamaia! It's dignified, and not blasphemous in any way. I can easily picture a stallion or gelding named Monsignor.
Go through an online bible, I think there's an entire chapter with names, going "him, the son of he, the son of another person..." and so on. However, if in a hurry and you aren't actually looking for the horse's name to be symbolic to some bible event, then you have a couple of possibilites: Mary, Elijah, Caleb, Gabriel, Cain, Abel, Abraham, Jobe, and many others. You could even do Jesus but if not overused, for an example always call the horse something else and then reveal that his actual name is Jesus or something along those lines, that adding to some sort of symbolism, like the horse saves the people from their immoral existence.