So, I have this issue with writing where I have these really good ideas for stories, and develop mental outlines for the entire story in a matter of minutes (I get inspired by simple images that come to me out of nowhere a lot of the time)... but by the time I put my pen to the paper (or "fingers to the keyboard") to start writing, I lose interest. It's happening right now. Any suggestions?
Where-abouts in the story are you beginning? Do you usually try starting from the beginning and working your way through in chronological order? If so, I would suggest starting your writing with the scene that first inspired you to write that particular story, and then developing the rest of the story around it. Writing in order isn't always your best option - sometimes writing it in order of interest level is easier as far as getting your ideas into words on a piece of paper/computer monitor.
Probably not worth writing if you get tired of it so quickly. I was like this for years, but just recently built a world I absolutely love and don't suffer from lack of inspiration any more.
thanks for your help. I am beginning with the scene that inspired me, and I even have an idea of where to go with the story. I just have an issue with the so-called "in-between" stuff, and it's hard for me to be patient enough to wait for the meat of the story to come to me.
Try interrogating your ideas further and not settling for an easy conclusion to the plot. Keep looking at the situation until you find an interesting plot.
the thing is, I'm REALLY into this story. I just need help Building patience for it. Any ideas? PS: I'll follow you if you follow me @diamondheartx3
Time in-between the big plotlines are a great time/place to have fun with fleshing out sub-plots and characters. Just start writing and let yourself go. Blank out and stop thinking about it.
Keep that exciting climax you thought of in mind, every scene you write just always know that it's going to build to something epic Makes the sometimes hum drum of writing worth it
I never put pen to paper until I have a complete scene list for a book. If the idea would span more than one book then I want a complete scene list for at least the first, and a rock-solid idea for the ending. That way I can make sure that the idea is going to be viable and will sustain my interest as the writer.