I'll start out with a couple. Remember when video game controllers were called joy sticks and only had one button? Remember when microwave popcorn was REALLY cool and was a luxury? Remember when parents would make their kids stay outside and play in the dirt? Now share a few of your childhood memories.
Remember when the movie Titanic came out and spawned a meme of people doing the 'I'm Flying' scene on the bow of almost every ship they could get on? Remember when we had VHS cassettes and we had to actually rewind the tape back to the beginning? Or play the fast forward/rewind game to get to the scene we wanted to watch? Remember when the X-Box 360 and the Wii came out? I still remember the commercials for both of those systems. xD The X-Box 360 commercials had some dude running down a beach with a system above his head screaming, "I'VE GOT AN X-BOX 360! THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!". The Wii commercials had two men in suits standing in the front entrance of some random family home. They bowed and said, "Wii would like to play." and cue montage of these men playing a Wii game with the family. Remember when Michael Jackson did the opening music for Free Willy? Remember a time before Youtube, Facebook and Twitter?
Remember when there weren't any cell phones and if your car broke down on the expressway you had to walk or thumb to the nearest exit (and when you got there you had left your payphone money in the car)? Remember when it was possible to thumb a ride?
Remember when Television was in black and white and had 3 channels (BBC1, BBC2 and ITV)? Remember when we watched Doctor Who from behind the sofa, when the Daleks came on (in black and white)? Remember feeling disappointed at the news that the Beatles had broken up? Remember when 8K of memory in a computer was a lot. Remember when a 'penny arrow' actually cost a penny?
Next year is the tenth anniversary of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. So...remember when a Star Wars trilogy about the rise of Darth Vader was announced way back in the '90s? I bet a lot of you thought Return of the Jedi was going to be the last Star Wars movie before the Prequel trilogy was announced.
Lol, who started the prehistoric thread. I'll just be nostalgic from the future - remember when you had to plug things into the wall?
Remember when Pluto was still a planet? Remember when cops beat the shit out of you instead of shooting you to death? At least back in the day you lived to tell about it. Ah, those were the good ol' days...
Remember when shirts were so short and jean waists so low you froze your kidneys in the winter? Remember when the Lord of the Rings movies were the shit and you thought wearing the One Ring was cool? Remember when we still had emo kids? Remember when you couldn't do much else with your cellphone but call and text? Or use it as an alarm clock?
And how I wish they had kept it at just the original three films. Oh god do I! I remember everyone was obsessed with elves and wanted to be Legolas or something. Mind, I don't miss with emo kids, checking out girls only to seriously wonder if the ass I had just been checking out did actually belong to a girl or not. Even the face wasn't a huge amount of help a lot of the time.
I had one around my neck! Anyway, guys in the UK remember when Feddos were 10p. And there was that weird month in 1998 when all the shops were filled with all these strange American things like Gob Stoppers? Remember when The Da Vinci Code first came out, and suddenly everyone felt really proud for having read 20 chapters in a night, because they were only something like 2 pages long?
See, it even gives you an excuse for why girls don't notice you! One Ring knock-offs - Shielding fragile egos since 2001.
UK 80s Remember punks on the Kings Road and Kensington market. Remember being part of the 3am squad detailed to walk 4 miles to the all night garage to buy 40 cigarettes for the rest of the party. Remember solid hash and buying liquorice in Leicester square. When you saw the lead singer of the Throbs worked in Marks & Spencers When M&S first had roast chickens. First trip to Mcdonalds - for Christmas or your birthday Recording any random band off John Peel and saying they were your favourite next day at school Sounds 'Newspaper' Arguing with your Dad that he was a capitalist pig and then arguing his perspective with the entire class the next day, and losing. Being wedgied The glue sniffer down fag alley Giving your first girlfriend scrumpox wearing badges meeting at the bus garage porno mags as currency - often discovered down the river pube contest - not losing, loser ignored by everybody for entire term Singing songs you'd never actually heard around the older lads so they'd think you liked the same music as they did, i.e 'Dead Cities, Dead Cities. Too drunk to fuck, too drunk to fuck.' Apple 2, Castle Wolfenstein Total excitement of 'Breakfast TV.' The total skill of waking up at 8am and catching the 8.12 bus to school walking to school Receiving a valentine's card from an entire class of girls and knowing completely that every single one of them desired you in some mysterious way you'd once read in Jackie. Keeping the card till you were 44 Thinking vaginas were in the stomach When Star Wars was for nerds and little brothers, not watching the LoTR cartoon. Thinking 'Not the Nine O'Clock News' was side-splitting hilarious. Avoiding bullies whose hit list you were on. Getting captured. Hell discos where the only decent song was Bad Manners the Can Can at the end before the slow number. The hell of Jazz Funk then pretending to be a dresser, casual, pringle, stapress, waffle cardigans.
Remember when everybody thought McDonald's would never catch on, because their hamburgers were so crap? My first lesson in lowestcommondenominatorism.
@jannert. I disagree. We had never tasted that ketchup sugar combination before. Also when I went to America they had other very similar places and these things called burritos and pizzas the size of tables. When you write olden days British stuff you have to talk about people popping into the Lyons Tea House but this huge chain disappeared about 81
Remember when VHS and Betamax fought it out... and VHS won even though it was way suckier than VHS? Remember the 10 minutes that big video disks made an appearance at the same time as the first VCRs, and then they disappeared, and then came back again a decade later for 10 more minutes before DVDs became a thing? Remember when being a latch-key kid was totally normal? Remember when you went to kids houses to see if they could come out and play, instead of texting them... because texting was still science fiction?
Ah, ya gotta be a Yank to appreciate this one. In the 60s I worked in a 'real' hamburger joint ...the kind that still had outdoor service, like the one in American Graffiti and Grease. We laughed at McDonald's, because our burgers were so much better. We knew McDonald's would never catch on. Who would want that crap, when they could get good stuff instead? And could order from their cars, and sit in their cars to eat, too... Cars? I hear you say Cars? Yeop. Every teenager had one.
@jannert. I appreciate it now. We just by nature liked any thing American. Previously between the ages of 8 and 10 I was addicted to pasties and clotted cream. Later - my lunch at school for about four years was a daily Mars bar and a packet of crisps - then graduated to 10 embassy no1 and a coffee with my pound.
Remember recording 'Top of the Pops' using an audio cassette tape recorder and a microphone held next the TV's speaker (yes, TV's had one speaker then, as part of the wooden box they were housed in).
I'm going to catch flack for this one: Remember when parents used to tell their kids what to do instead of the other way around?