To the Forum, There are two issues concerning the reporting of posts I would like to address. Inappropriate, rude, trolling, flaming, etc. posts When you find such a post, please simply report it. Do not respond to the offending post before (or after) reporting it in any way. It leaves the mods in a position where you, the person reporting the post, may be held just as accountable for inappropriate, rude, trolling, flaming etc. behavior because 9 times out of 10, the response one gives to such a post comes from a place of anger, and when you subsequently report the post that initiated the problem, you no longer have "clean hands." DON'T RESPOND, JUST REPORT. When a thread has been started in the incorrect location Again, same thing, don't carp at the OP for placing a thread in the wrong place. Just report it to the mods and let us move it. When you start conversing about the fact that the thread is in the wrong place, you leave us in a position where we have to either delete your responses or leave them and cause confusion when the thread has been correctly relocated. We have a new paradigm under which we are trying to operate that includes not deleting posts or threads except under truly pressing conditions. Please help us to make that paradigm work by not responding and just reporting. ~ Wreybies
hey questions, can we delete the threads the we posted ourselves if we wish to or that just for the admin to do it? and asking for homework help isn't allowed yeah? (homework like English, grammar and essays)
Only mods or admin can delete threads, and this is not something we do with any frequency. And you are correct, homework is not allowed.