Hi guys I have received a few reputations, can anyone tell me what they are, what the points accumulate to and how to find out who they are from? Some of these are anon and some say No Comment in italics Thanks
Giving reputation is sort of like thanking someone for a post. It's usually given out for a helpful post. The number of points you receive depends on the reputation of the person who rep'd you. So you get more points from members with a higher reputation. You can't find out who the points are from unless they leave their name in the comments.
Eventually you get more little green bars under your name... Meh... It doesn't really do much other than that...
I always sign mine when I leave em, It's just good etiquette... Usually the one's who don't sign them are the newer people who don't have any rep giving power anyway... Which, the amount of rep you can give is based on post count.
I agree -- I wish that, too. My understanding is that you used to be able to give someone negative reputation, for a comment you didn't like, and they'd lose points. Therefore it was anonymous. But they've since discontinued the negative, and now you only get positive points. So, since this is now the case, it would be nice to know who thought enough of your comment to give you rep. Now, when I give rep, I try to sign my name and give a brief comment.
Darn, I forgot if you didn't put your name it didn't show. It's also annoying that you don't know which post they're complimenting. I sent the one about LMAO re your Wookie sex scene. It still makes me laugh. I would have hit the star sooner but I only learned about reputation points from getting one a couple days ago..
The only one I got that was signed was from a newbie with only grey square power. But you're right, I'm new and forgot to leave my name on a couple already.
haha Ginger - I tried to send it back but got this message - You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to GingerCoffee again - classic quote, I might use that somewhere...
In the reputation comment, there is something that is 'clickable' -- if you click on it, it takes you to the comment you made that the person liked.
I *think* 100. But different people can give you different amounts of points (and some can't give you any -- new folks can't give any points.)
The first green bars are at 100 point increments, but the more of them you accumulate, the larer the poit count needed for the next group of them. And there is apparently also a maximum number of green bars.
D'oh. You just click on the title of the reputation. Don't know how I missed that. Except, for some reason the compliment I gave erebh seems to link to the thread instead of the post while the others I gave link to the posts.
Ermmm. What exactly is the point of all this? I thought we were all here to offer help and support to each other regarding our writing. Surely we don't need to 'grade' each other with popularity points? Sheesh... If somebody gives you particularly good feedback, just thank them in a further post, or send them a private message. If somebody gives you feedback you think is useless or unhelpful - ignore it and move quickly on!
I don't think there is much point to it, really. It differentiates some long-time members from brand new folks, who might show up give some questionable advice and then leave. But really, it's the quality of what's said that's more important than who said it. Also, after hanging out here for a while, you get a pretty good idea of who generally knows what he or she is talking about on most issues, so I wouldn't really worry about the rep.
I generally think of it as a nice little feature that doesn't do any harm. Where is the problem in showing you appreciate a post?
Don't get me wrong -- I love getting them, and I give them when I really like a post. But it's not something I'd spend a lot of time worrying about either way.
Lol Jannert, don't worry about it, it's just a nice little feature - and why not, anyway? If you especially appreciated a post, repping is easier and doesn't take up space in the thread if the only thing you have to say is "I agree/I liked it" etc. I used to be part of a student forum where you can give neg reps and I know it's silly, but neg reps always affected me a little - like a pointless little downer. I actually really appreciate the fact that this forum here don't use neg reps. Negs are just mean in my opinion. It's all just a bit of fun really It's nice sometimes to log on and see you have a rep comment and know that somebody liked what you said