Is anyone able to direct me to a website that details the warfare tactics of the North Korean Army, during the Korean Conflict? Also does anyone know how to make a water filtration system ( sand and charcoal) More specificly how would one make the charcoal(on the fly) MY charater is being hunted down by the North Korean army and does not ha a lot of time to filter his water supply??? I have the rest but my survival training was some 20 yrs ago and is a bit foggy. Thanks, ~BL~
Old war tactics are unlikely to applied by North Korea when tracking down a single person. War-time strategy and hunting vermin are two totally different things. Depending on how far away your target is, you'd deploy experienced search parties (with dogs) to follow the rouge from the rear, while simultaneously sending advance parties ahead to ambush the target. You'd also strengthen boarder controls. It's also worth noting that killing a foreign agent would not be a final option during a hunt, you'd want to capture and interrogate the trespasser, not blow them limb from limb. And, for someone trying to escape from a hostile country, making a water filter is a big no-no. It would take too long to build, be a potential weight burden and is unlikely to filter enough water to be of use when running for your life. If you want to make water (fairly) safe to drink in the wild, simply boil it for a short while (that will kill microorganisms, bacteria and such). But don't take my word for this, Google is your friend.
Have your tried this google search? north korea "Korean War" tactics Quoting a group of words is a good way to focus a search in which you need a phrase to not be treated as separate keywords. You could also quote "north korea" for an even tighter focus. Once you examine the more useful hits, you may find other useful keywords to either expand or restrict subsequent searches. Expand a search if you are not getting enough results, tighten it if you are getting too many irrelevent hits.
Thanks guys, MDR you might be on to something there, I will re write that section using your method and see how it works in the plot line that I Roughed out. ~BL~