Does anyone know where I can find information concerning intelligent civilizations that predate the arrival of man? I know there are some theories out there, and I wanted to read up more on it as research for a possible story, but can't find a site that gives a good overview of the various conspiracy theories. Can anyone help?
I am not exactly sure of what you are asking for..perhaps aliens (Reptilian or the grays?) or perhaps you are looking for creation myths that speak of ancient civilizations? Whatever the case may be, I know of a website that is sort of a large dictionary for that sort of information. You may find it useful. Posting links is a huge no-no here, so I will send it to you via a PM.
you won't find them if you google for 'conspiracy theories' since, if they predated humankind, there wouldn't be any 'conspiracy' involved... try googling for 'alien civilizations on earth' or something similar, instead...
i think you would better consult with anything writing or researching experts for solving your doubt. I had many doubt in my research paper. I have consulted writing experts. Please do it.
Erich von Däniken published a number of books on ancient astronauts who were supposed to have visited Earth in the past.
You mean, like the Australian Aboriginal 'Dreamtime'? You'll find lots of ancient legends if you Google that.
Iirc, at some point in that series, there is an exploration of intelligent dinosaurs and their religious beliefs.
What about Neanderthals ? now believed to have had communication abilities, religion etc you could probably take that further.