So...who has resolutions for 2010? I resolve to get my entire house least for a day or two.
The kitchen is my resolution. Fridge. Cupboards. Pantry. Everything. Everything out. Everything cleaned. Nothing goes back that is out of date or of no use.
I have a few resolutions. I love making them, and I usually keep most. I know I could make resolutions at any time of the year, but it just seems so... uhm, resolute ( ) to make them right now. I plan to: 1) Enjoy happy endings. I want to end senior year relaxed, but strongly (instead of letting senioritis completely run my life). I also want to end my job at one of my newspapers on good terms, because I havent been on good terms with the editor-in-chief lately. After that's done I want to... (see #2) 2) Set new and improved study habits. I plan to focus more than I thought possible on my studies. Not necessarily for much of senior year with the exception of 2 college courses and 2 AP courses which can earn me credit, but more for the summer so I can test out of courses and in my first semester of university! And finally I want to... 3) Improve physical appearance.Anyone who knows me intimately knows that I have a major issue with my weight. One of last year's resolutions was to lose 20 pounds, which I did... but I gained most of it back this holiday season. :redface: My 2010 goal is to drop that 20 pounds again, and then to keep it off forever. Since I have the joy of spending the eve with my family instead of partying, a little after midnight I plan on weighing myself and vowing that the scale will never display this number or any higher numbers again. And that's kind of it! Which is weird, because usually I have 9 or 10 resolutions, but I feel so much more focused right now, and not having so many resolutions is also the product of accomplishing so many in 2009. Yee!! (I suppose it's also because these resolutions are pretty darned obtuse.)
Mine is to be out of the house and on the road by the end of the year. But I've been counting on that for several months... That's it.
To write and read more. I have never really tried to make or honestly keep any resolutions. However these two seem to be perfect for me.
1) Get Published 2) Dye hair different colour 3) Take dieting really seriously. 4) Lose immense amount of weight and become size 12 again so that people actually compliment me and I feel beautiful for once. 5) Make more effort to look pretty. 6) Learn to like myself 7) Do well at Uni 8) Try to be more optimistic and stop thinking of everyday as being one day closer to losing someone I love.
I will make life decisions any time except the days surrounding New Years. Resolutions made because it is a point on the calendar is playing for failure. If I make a resolution, I make it when I am motivated to accomplish something. And I will consciously avoid the holiday because it calls my motivations into question. This is a resolution I lade many years ago. I resolved to make such commitments when I am ready to follow through on them, but to not make those commitments on or around New Years Day. And I did not make the resolution on New Years, either. But I have kept it.
Stop eating so much junk food. Okay, I eat about maybe 5 Dove chocolates a day, but I hate eating bad. I don't really need to lose weight (doctor says I'm UNDERweight and need to gain, but no thanks. I'd rather be under than overweight). Also to lead a healthier lifestyle. I want to work out more and eat better and try to have my family do the same.
Last year, my resolution was to finish my novel. And i did that within weeks of this New Year. So I resolve to publish within the next year. That's what I want and that is definitely what I desire. So...question is, can I beat the odds?
I don't bother with New Years Resolutions, because I am always setting goals for myself and a set amount of time I wish to achieve them by. But for those of you who are making New Years Resolutions, I hope that you achieve all you set out to achieve and more. Good luck to you all. *hugs*
I resolve not to swear when I'm frusterated - even in my head. I don't swear outloud but I don't like swear words creeping in without my knowledge. They be gone...
I usually save resolutions about work for the start of the academic year, but apart from that, this New Year I will: - Finish my novel by the end of January - Listen to people more - Try and see things from other people's point of view more - Not be such a know-it-all old cow Trouble is, I'll be unrecognizable...
I only have three resolutions this year. 1) Write. 2) Right. 3) Rite. However, I'm pretty sure I've spelt two of them wrong... Where did the idea for resolutions come from any way?
Well actually all three are spelled correctly, but then I don't think thats what you were talking about Not sure where it comes from.
According to (sorry if that posts as a link, I'm just trying to cite my source), setting New Year's Resolutions dates back to 153 B.C. when Janus was put at the head of the calendar. "With two faces, Janus could look back on past events and forward to the future. Janus became the ancient symbol for resolutions and many Romans looked for forgiveness from their enemies and also exchanged gifts before the beginning of each year." So there you have it. From a very reliable source. Last year, I started sitting down with Joel at the end of each year to see how we did on our goals for the last and then come up with new goals for this year. We're doing it today, so I'll keep you posted on what some of my goals are. I told him that one of them was going to be to stay married for the whole year.
It might sound generic but my resolution really is to write more. Not necessarily to publish or whatnot, but simply so all the ideas flying around in my head have a home. xD
For 2010 I must defeat my most vile enemy....procrastination, and get some writing done. I will endure this time,maybe, haha
I have a few simple ones, really. 1) is to write more, the novel I've been toying with. 2) is to focus more on the positives of life rather than the negatives. 3) get a job as soon as possible (14 years old, but my parents are stingy and I need cash... *** ******) 4) Expand my musical taste, and my opinions. In other words, learn to accept the parts of my friends I can't stand. 5) Coexist with Mother and Father-dearest. 6) Do all of the above.
My resolution: To love more and hate less. To be the solution rather than the problem. To stand up for what I believe in and defend others when they're attacked for doing the same. And also to eat healthier and exercise more.
My only resolution is to save the amount of money I require to finally acheive something that has needed to be done for about five years, though I did make that resolution back in November. >_>
My new year's resolutions... I haven't thought about them, really. I like the idea, because the self-criticism sure is useful for me. I guess my resolution would be to act and think in such a way that next year I would feel content of 2010. To give and not to take. To help those that need helping, no matter if I even know them or not. But most of all, to keep trying to be a good person.
I was getting my morning news when I heard the statistic that 3 out of 4 people fail in their New Year resolutions. My resolution is to not be among the 3 of 4.
Now that's a good resolution. My goals for 2010 are: 1. To keep in shape. My goal last year was to lose weight, which I did, but now I want to keep it that way and continue to tone up. I want to go to the gym at least three times a week, and on days that I lack the time or energy for a full gym session, I want to at least get in a small workout at home. 2. To write 1,000 words a week. As the year goes by and I get back into writing regularly, I plan to increase the word count, but I'm starting small so I won't overwhelm myself. 3. To get back in touch with friends and family, even if it just means making the effort to send them a card on their birthday or write them a letter. 4. To learn more at work and prepare myself for an assistant manager position if the opportunity ever arises and I decide I want to take it. 5. To be more patient with and less critical of the people close to me. I also plan on making a few joint goals with Joel, but he is off paintballing with my brother at the moment, so I have to wait until he gets home to finalize those.
And My New Year's Resolution Is... What's your new year's resolution? My best friend's is to hug an elephant, mine is to see a real life cheetah. I also want to publish a book.