So do you ever reuse your characters from one story into a different one just with a different role and of course a different name? I actually find it fun to do. For example using the hero from one story into the villain in another. But for that we must use the same character idea but have something different happen to them that turns them the wrong way. So I think it can also help you understand the shades of gray with character personalities. I also find it fun to have a female version of a male character in different stories. Or vice verse of course. Because even though their personalities may not be that different, the genders may change the way "other" characters or even readers see them. Which can have an interesting result. So what do you think about that?
Never. If I reuse a character in another story, it's the same character completely. What would be the point of recycling the same character in a different wrapper?
Because it's fun to experiment with character ideas. A heroic character can be made into a villain character in some way and vice verse. Or maybe, not exactly the same character. But the same character idea, except we have them in a different situation, or something like that. Haven't you ever wondered how well a villain of one story can act as an anti-hero in another story? You get the idea.
Again, if, I want to use the same character in a different situation, I'll use the same character in a new situation. But more often, I'd much rather create a new character from the outset. One character I reused was originally created to play in an RPG on this site, He was a sociopath with no sense of loyalty, perfectly willing to kill any other player character who got in his way. I later reused him in a short story in my blog, The Killing Jar. He was the same sociopath, but he was the prisoner of a corrupt, sadistic guard. I did it as a bridge story. It stands alone, but it added some dimension to him as well, and alluded to some things I was thinking of for a subsequent story (not yet written).
I've always just made up new characters, but I think it would be cool to do what you're talking about, Psycho.
Not really. I mean I have used a characters full name in different things. Though part of me wants to have the same character in name, just a different setting. One could be fighting off Zombies while another is in a Space Opera setting. Only minor changes, but overall the same character. But normally I just get a new character. If I want to use the same character, then I just use the same character just a different story.
It's funny you should ask this cause I was just toying with the idea of reviving a villain from my serial in a new story. But of course, as Cogito was saying, I won't repackage him if I did go through with this. He'd be the same character.
Nah. I have an easy time thinking of characters, so they're not something I need to recycle. In fact, it's more likely that I'll have more characters then I actually need. Also, I tend to base my plots on my characters, so if I've started a story I will probably already have thought of the cast ahead of time.
I've never done this myself, but I understand what you're saying and I think it's an interesting idea in order to see the layers of your characters. I wouldn't change their name or anything though; I would just place them in vastly different situations and see how they would react.
i never do this, but have had some characters which ma turn up in other peices of writing, and have also made references to other pices of writing within my text, a robbery situation for one of my stories for instance was used as an event for a character in another story.
Interesting. Most of my MC's are loosely based on myself, so i guess i do reuse thier attitudes and mannerisms in a way, tho not really the way it sounds like you are. That sounds like an interesting experiment, as long as it doesn't become one's magnum opus. idk tho. intriguing...
I have, but in only two cases, since their initial designs intrigued me and I felt that their characters had gone to waste. So I ported them over to another series, modified them a bit to my satisfaction, and away they go. I'm very pleased with the result. Keep in mind even Tolkien canabalized his own work. xD