My question "toss" of the day. How often do you stop to review what you have written thus far? Do you stop every few pages to re-read, or do you just write and write and write? I find that I do review often and it can be exhausting.
I used to review after each than spell checks..i stopped doing that. I review it when its finished otherwise I honestly could find things abuot my work i dont like constantly LOL
That is great advice. I find that I am doing the same thing, then review review review turns into change change Thanks!
I have a tendency to just write and keep writing so I don't lose the flow. I find myself losing the story when I stop to review it.
I try to review before I start writing. If I'm spending a day writing, I try to spend the first hour or so going over whatever I wrote the night before. Or . . . most recently, the week before. This neck injury has been a real pain.
One particular piece of advice is to continue writing but if any questions or thoughts about what you are or have written enters your head then simply jot it down in a notebook ready for a future time. The worst thing you can do is stop when you're hot. The worst critics and editors are usually ourselves so don't feel compelled to stop because something is playing on your mind. Just get it down in your notebook and see to it at a later date.