Well, I'm pleased to announce a new upgrade to our review system. Currently if you want to post a piece of your writing you do so in The Review Room. However, there was no way to ensure that every piece got replied to. This new feature will limit the amount of stories/poetry/writing you can post in The Review Room. While this addition won't guarantee all posts will get reviewed, it will certainly increase the odds. Now, in order to earn posting credit, you must post reviews other people's writing. For every two replies you give someone else's writing you're allowed to post a piece of your own. The goal of this is not to limit the amount of writing posted, but rather to increase the amount of reviews we give each other. I'm hopeful this will we a positive addition to the site and the way posting our writing is handled. Also note that it's the first of some new major modifications to come. If you find any errors, bugs, or other problems, please note them in this thread. Thanks,
I think that this is a most wonderful idea Lp. I do hope that it works and think that it would really benefit all areas. Tor
yea, what i want to know though is tat i tend to review poetry, does this mean that for me to post a story, i have to review a stroy? j.w. Heather
There really isn't a way to know how many credits you have. And this should work for all forums in the review forum together, not individually. You should be able to review for poetry and post a story and vice versa.
If nothing else, it makes the intro responses easier! Seriously though, it seems like a good idea. I was a bit taken aback when I returned from a couple days' absence with a story revision ready to post, and found I needed reviewing creds before I could do so. But it will cut down on newcomers popping in, posting a couple things for review, then disappearing when they receive suggestions instead of unqualified praise. I hate seeing people getting discouraged when it can be so easily prevented.
What, do we not get points from crits made before the introduction of this policy? EDIT: Actually, disregard this. It should have been obvious, in retrospect, that backdating would take a ridiculous amount of effort on the part of the staff. Please feel free to delet this post, or leave it as a testament to my stupidity
You have to post two reviews in the review room before you post your own work. That way everyone gets a fair chance at having their work reviewed. So on a suggested note. Why not review those pieces that have recieved no replies. instead of reviewing something with four or more replies. ~Raven.
This seems to be becoming a bit of an obsession with you, adamant... I'd be worried if I were you. I actually prefer to do this. That way there is less chance of me repeating/contradicting a previous crit, and looking like more of an idiot than usual
Why worry, unless you contradict yourself? Different eyes may (hopefully will) see different things when looking at the same work.
Nah - I just prepare to laugh twice as hard at me than anyone else will. Life is too short to spend it in fear of making mistakes.
I don't worry about making myself look like an idiot...I worry about making it apparent that I'm an idiot. =D
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."- Abraham Lincoln