1. Chelsea

    Chelsea Member

    Jun 29, 2015
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    Novel Rewrite

    Discussion in 'Genre Discussions' started by Chelsea, Jul 10, 2015.

    I have been working on my novel for about six years, I've had to stop sometimes either because I didn't feel creative or because I was too busy with my kids or work. I feel like I am never going to be finished because I am constantly rewriting. Sometimes I'll get a great idea and change part of the plot or characters in my story, not huge overalls to either the plot or the characters but minor changes. I'm always thinking I can make it better. Does anyone else have the issues?
  2. The Mad Regent

    The Mad Regent Senior Member

    May 26, 2015
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    Wirral, England
    All the time. Essentially, though, I find people, and myself, have this problem when they don't plan thoroughly before writing.

    If you read around other threads, you'll also discover I'm, as well as others, are very self critical to the point were we revise every paragraph as we write. You're not the only one if that gives you some reassurance, but I believe that the more you write the easier it becomes to convey what you want without having to revise everything.
    Chelsea likes this.
  3. shadowwalker

    shadowwalker Contributor Contributor

    Jul 27, 2011
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    The trick to rewriting/revising/editing is to recognize the difference between making it better and making it different. If rewriting is causing you to not finish, I would suggest giving yourself limits - you can only change it X-number of times, you have X-amount of time to edit, etc etc. After that, you let it go until you're ready for critiques. Eventually you'll reach the point where you recognize the difference (better/different), and thus no longer need the limits.
  4. Chelsea

    Chelsea Member

    Jun 29, 2015
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    I am trying to finish it by 2016 or at least have a complete first draft of the whole thing. I have a lot of problems with doubting myself that is why I think I have rewritten so many times.
  5. The Mad Regent

    The Mad Regent Senior Member

    May 26, 2015
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    Wirral, England
    Never doubt yourself, only others ability to understand. ;)
    Chelsea likes this.
  6. Urban Profanity

    Urban Profanity Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    I've felt the same for the last 5 years. But, I'm almost there now. I used to hate myself for not being able to just finish the damn thing, but often after a hiatus I would find a gem of an idea that would slot nicely and fix a problem. If I had rushed to try and meet some deadline, those parts would not have revealed themselves, and the end product would not have been as good. Eventually I ran out of problems to fix, and realised it was basically done.
    Chelsea likes this.
  7. Quixote's Biographer

    Quixote's Biographer Active Member

    Jul 12, 2015
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    Have you tried to stop editing and re-writing and just write until the first draft is done? It sounds like you're trying to do the first five drafts in one go. The first draft is often a wreck - even among the best professional authors - but that's why you have the 2nd draft, and the 3rd, 4th, 5th and so on.

    My best advice to you - because I've been in the exact same situation and I can tell you I never finished anything when I worked the way you do right now - is to write, write, write, and fight the urge to edit until the first draft is done. Then put it away for a few weeks and then you're ready to edit. If you've been working on it for so long already, it can't hurt to try right? :)

    I wish you the best of luck!

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