I'm very sad to hear about Harper Lee's death. Despite all the controversy around her latest book, no one can deny the influence she's had on American literature. I'm sure To Kill a Mockingbird is required reading for all high schools across the US. She will be missed. RIP.
I just saw that. She only wrote 'one' book, but it was a cracker. It influenced several generations of readers for the better. That's a life's work, in my opinion. She never wanted this newest book (which she had discarded) to be published while she was still of sound mind, and I think it's a great shame she became overwhelmed enough to do it when she was slipping into dotage, and she'd lost her sister who had been looking after her affairs. Out of respect to her, I will never read it.
Rest in peace, Harper Lee. Only one book, but it's a masterpiece. Thanks for your powerful and influential work.
Out of respect for her, I shall pretend that "Go Set a Watchman" never happened. Rest well, may Scout take you along the clouds.
what was that lawyer's name in To Kill a Mockingbird? The one played by Greg Peck? Loved the courage !He became a role-model for lawyers and justice seekers in general. Unforgettable. So well done Harper Lee. Atticus! that's it.
A few years back she did a book signing at the library across the street from Joffrey Ballet School in New York City. She has never slowed down her lifestyle for the fact of growing older. I very much hope to be as full of vigor and compassion as she was during her entire life.
Wow, the people of Harper Lee's estate want the publisher to quit making and selling To Kill a Mockingbird, thus probably ending its run of being part of many school's curriculum in the future. https://www.yahoo.com/style/harper-lee-estate-just-made-170032162.html
Huh? Why? Isn't that like killing the goose that lays the golden eggs? There's money for generations to come in that book. Why stop publishing it?
They aren't going to stop publishing it per-say, they just aren't going to make the cheap additions anymore that schools often buy for their students. So if a school is going to continue to have it on their curriculum they are going to have to pay for the higher priced versions, or cut it out altogether.
Just realised i never read To Kill a Mockingbird. Unfortunately i was in the only class in school to be reading that boring drivel Holes, instead of To Kill a Mockingbird like everyone else. Is there a reason she never released another book? Seems strange for an author of something so popular would not keep writing.
It's likely she knew that whatever else she published, it would not match up to To Kill A Mockingbird. She may have wanted to play it safe and not potentially shred her reputation by writing books that wouldn't have done as well. Who knows, to be honest.
That's strange. Who is profiting from this? Something shady is going on with that lawyer. My uncle is from Monroeville and said the town and her attorney rarely see eye-to-eye. For instance, every year in the courthouse in the city [where Harper Lee is from and the film was filmed] they had an awesome stage production play of the book/movie. It was free for people under a certain age, and kids from counties all over the state of Alabama [and from some surrounding states] would come for field trips to see the play and go on tours of the town. The town isn't the richest in the state, so this time of field trips brings the town enormous revenue, because the schools do pay for guided tours to see Boo Radley's house, the Finch home, etc. Also, the few restaurants there get a huge boom, as do hotels for those that traveled a long way and other things. Adults and schools pay for "tickets" for the play [we sat on the ground and in the banisters, so those seats weren't sold. Plus we were under 15], which brought enormous revenue. Also the museum brought money to the town. The same lawyer that published Go Set a Watchman is now taking the rights to the play away from the city, and is upcharging the price for tickets, if the play will continue at all. http://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2015/11/future_grim_for_iconic_to_kill.html I had the luck of meeting Ms. Lee in 2006 for an essay contest I won in the state. She was so amiable, not really the recluse as the media likes to portray. Just humble and valued her privacy. She was thrilled that for the past two years girls won the contest, and was an advocate of facilitating creative writing in the youth. I'm really sad about what this lawyer is doing to her legacy. She wrote plenty, and often. She just did not want to publish more, or did not feel any works would live up to the hype of the first. As I said before, she really valued privacy and did not enjoy the marketing aspect of being published. Many people have only published a work or two, and are satisfied. Or just never dabbled in anything else, or never wrote anything as good as the first work that was published.
Harper Lee was one of my absolute favorites and i was upset to find out about her death two days after her passing. She was in horrid health since about 2014 anyways but it was still pretty upsetting nonetheless. Another great writer is gone. RIP Harper Lee.