this is a plot that I am thinking of. let's say we are all going to be transported into a new land/planet very similar to planet earth. each one of us will given the chance to explain how they want to start on this planet. the only rule is that you have to give a detail analysis of how role will fit on this planet to get in. what would say your role would be? thank you for posting.
... I don't understand how this is a plot. And how do we know which roles are useful? You've said a planet similar to Earth, but that doesn't tell us about its resources or whether there's life there. Mars is a planet similar to Earth in size and resources, but it has no vegetation and the jury's still out on whether it has water or not. And even if we did have that information, that still doesn't make a plot. Really, it just sounds like you want people to feed you ideas so you don't have to think of roles for characters in your setting.
maybe not a plot you're right I meant the setting of course. I base my writing ideas on real life scenarios and so what better place to start then in a forum with intelligent and outspoken people. the planet is an exact copy of earth and we all are going to inhabit it but there is a bonus cache if you like. the better your ideas the higher the ladder you climb in this planet. your role is to be justified to enter it.
Maybe you should actually get down to work and actually write, rather than create a million threads where you're basically begging for ideas. Alternatively, stop creating quite vague threads in sections that are meant to help people with their stories, and rather, post in Word Games! Word Games is the subforum where people post in writing games, such as your current thread. Check it out. Btw a forum is not a great setting for "real life scenarios" as this is cyber space, not real life (hence the abbrev. IRL in forum-speak) and an EXACT replica of earth is just well... is that even an idea? Why not just set it on plain Earth? Btw if we're already ON the planet, unless there's an escape route to leave this planet, you're gonna be "in" either way. What you mean is someone wants to create a society or an organisation, but your writing implies that one needs to win the right to enter "Earth". Now unless you're gonna kill people who don't have ideas, this exercise is pointless for your story and way too vague for anyone to participate in, as there are no rules, no framework, no boundaries, NO IDEAS! Either come up with a word/story-writing game that works and post it in Word Games, which would be fun, or stop these meaningless threads and start working on your own novel!
Not to pile on, but I am getting confused as to your purpose with all these threads. If you have a story you need help on, no problem. But there doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason to your questions so far, and I'm getting to the point of not even checking them out.
It's not exactly the same. I can't remember the name, but the basic story is there's another earth approaching ours and everyone has a copy of themselves on this other planet, except for one of the main characters who needs to figure out why she's different (I think). So, yeah, not exactly the same but it's what I thought of when I read your post.
Are you asking what we see ourselves doing if we landed on an uninhabited planet? Doesn’t that sort of game belong in Word games? Ps. I would totally be a scout/ explorer. Wilderness survival training, EMT training, multiple types of weapons training, orienteering, lots of hours camping, hiking, fishing and hunting.
that sounds more or less the kind of things I was thinking apart from a copy they are just them alll over again and there is no protagonist or antagonists are they are al in the same boat. Thank you for this shangrila. well if you wanted to but this for a book idea and just wanted to know what members would propose for an idea . basically it is like a password on a computer. the password being what you would bring in order to log in/ or enter and the computer being this earth lookalike planet being the computer. if what you propose fits in then you are in. so you said a sccout/explorer and wilderness training which is a fit because at first this planet appears wild like the newworld say. thank you for this idea James.